Chapter 23

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"Ugh! Do I have to do this now?" Saraphina sighed as she leaned back in her chair.

"Come on. All you have to do is read the books," Jared said pushing the light gray book gently towards Saraphina. She looked at him, twirling her hair around her finger then down at the book. She could see that the book was old. The cover was faded and the pages looked stained from the years of being used. Some pages had unusual symbols that seemed familiar.

"Fine," she said grabbing the book.

Jared sat down in front if her waiting for her to begin.

"Okay, okay. Class One Dragons," she started. "Dragon one, Telepathy. Usually quiet dragons, they are known to be able to communicate with all species of animal. They are also able to read the mind of any person or animal. They are not the best fighters but when amungst themselves they have the ability to have full conversations in their minds between another telepathic dragon.

"The person of this dragon species is normally shy and tend to keep to themselves. Good for intercepting messages and reading the thoughts of enemies.

"Color: Light grey-pink. Small horns light green eyes. Height: 10 feet high including wings. Scales: Small and look iridescent in direct sunlight."

"This is the only dragon in class one?" Saraphina asked when she finished reading. She flipped to the next page to find sketches of the dragon as well as close ups to its important features.

"As you can see this is the thinest book," Jared said.

Saraphina flipped to the eighth page and found a section labeled "Non-Elemental".

"Why is this a dragon type?" she asked flipping through the pictures. Every picture in the book looked hand drawn with a date printed under each individual one.

"They are still dragons but do not have any abilities. They tend to be more of a field worker, studying humans from different areas. They can be trained to fight and when they are, they are fantastic in battle. Now, please continue reading."

Saraphina grabbed the second book which was a light blue color.

"Class Two Dragons. Dragon one, Air. One of the original four elements. These are one of the most majestic breeds. Their bones are less dense compared to other dragons. Their lungs and wings are larger than average allowing the dragon to fly at higher altitudes. A distinct feature are the large feathers that grow off the back, neck, and head as well as the edges of the wings and tail.

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