Chapter 13

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Jared sat in the chair asleep while Sarah tried to get some sleep herself. She was gazing upon him, his smooth skin and wavy chestnut colored hair. His chest moved up and down slowly from his steady breathing. She turned over onto her back and looked at the ceiling for a few moments deep in thought. Her body had barely recovered from her earlier ordeal. Looking at the clock that hung on the wall ticking quietly, she read 11:15. So much for Icari being back in an hour. She laid on her side again and pulled the thin sheets up to her chin. They smelled nice, freshly washed she assumed.

Icari, a few moments later, walked quietly into the room and noticed Sarah was awake.

"Did the medicine help?" he asked

"Barely to be honest," she replied quietly.
Icari Said nothing but instead handed her a small glass of water which she refused.

"You have to drink something, and you need to rest," he said setting the cup down in the counter. He walked out the room closing the door behind him before Sarah could say anything. She rolled back over on her other side and stared at the clock watching as the seconds hand twitched around in its circular path.

Jared shifted in his chair. Sarah peered over then back to the clock. She pulled the sheets up over her mouth and closed her eyes trying to ignore the nausea that returned.

"How are you feelin' now,"Jared asked waking from his nap. Sarah didn't want to speak. No words would form to rise from her mouth. She sat up slowly and looked over at the cup of water that Icari had left for her. Before she could ask for it, she once again was hit by an on slot of pain and gags of trying not to get sick . Jared put the trash can in front of Sarah just in time as her body forced the blood out.

She couldn't take this. She felt like she was ran over by a semi truck and like she was in a sauna. Jared once again placed the trash can back at the door. He walked over to Sarah and sat down on the bed rubbing her back trying to comfort her like before. She leaned over and lay her head on his shoulder and felt the calming motion of them moving from his breathing. She just wanted to sleep but she couldn't. Her body wouldn't let her.

Suddenly Sarah felt as if she hit the ground from 1,000 feet up her body taking the pain as if all her bones had broken at once. She let out a cry and grabbed her stomach as if she was punched. Jared ran out the room to fetch a care keeper.

The pain slowly intensified and Sarah's cries turned to screams of pain. Clenching her teeth, she tried to hold them back. Each second that passed, the pain grew worse. She had never felt anything like this before. She became more scared and didn't know what to do.

Jared returned with two care keepers who quickly began to restrain Sarah who was still trying to stop herself from screaming in pain. She struggled to breath as all the pain traveled to her chest slowly, eveloping her in an agonizing shell. One care keeper injected a light green liguid into Sarah's arm while the other care keeper was trying to get her medical readings. Jared stood in front of her, his arms wrapped around her trying to be as comforting as possible.

"We will need another dose! Her heart rate is at 198 and increasing, temperature at 106" shouted the second care keeper. Jared was still calming Sarah down, holding her tightly. She could do nothing but cry as she gripped the back of Jared's shirt and buried her face into his chest. The care keeper injected Sarah with another dose of the unusual green liquid and waited for a response. The pain slightly subsided after the second dose of medicine and Sarah slowly came back to her original state. She took deep breaths, calming herself as much as she could.

She opened her eyes and slowly sat up, releasing her grip. Jared looked at her face and then her eyes. They were now a beautiful saphire color, glowing in the dim room.

You're okay now. It's over," he said with a sigh of relief. Sarah could breath now. Her head barely hurt and she could now see clearly once again. Only now she felt different.

Jared stood in front of the bed. The care keepers did one more exam of her heart, temperature, and blood pressure which were all back to normal.

"Keep an eye out for her Jared," they both said together. Jared nodded his head and the care keepers left, one looking back and smiling before leaving the room completely.

Jared began pacing. Sarah watched in question.

"Your energy had a strange property. It seemed like it could have killed you," Jared said looking at Sarah's eyes. They were now fading back to their original hazel color. "I see," he said.

"What? What do you see?" Sarah asked quietly. She was exhausted and wanted sleep.

"You will find out tomorrow, you need rest," Jared said looking at the clock on the wall.
"Drink some water first," he added handing her the cup Icari left. She took the cup and drank greedily not spilling any of it. "Better?" Sarah nodded. The feeling of water running down her throat instead of blood coming up was better.

"Thank you," she said.

"You're welcome. Now, get some rest. Please."

Sarah laid back down on the bed where she would finally be able to get some sleep after all the insanity. She pulled the sheet up to her mouth and closed her eyes letting the world of sleep finally envelop her with open arms.

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