Chapter 23. Celebrations and rejoicing.

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As the sun disappeared over the horizon, Old Deuteronomy rose upon the tire and beamed down at his tribe. His heart burst with endless love and pride for every single Jellicle present. "Our tribe has faced troubling times," He began, "But we triumph against evil each time. Though our brave few were not as successful as they had anticipated to be, they have reunited families and embarked on a journey of self discovery." Old Deuteronomy paused for a breath, he glanced to those whom had been brave enough to hunt down Macavity. Demeter was surrounded by her family, her beloved mate and children, near by her sister Bombalurina was sat beside Angelo who was gazing up at Old Deuteronomy in admiration. The Rum Tum Tugger was sat upon the pipe and Mistoffelees leaned into his chest with Sylvi fast asleep in his arms. Blizzard and Caligo were sat on the old oven, their legs dangled over the side and sitting inside was Mungojerrie whom had his arms wrapped around his sister's shoulders. "It is indeed true that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but the friends we meet along the way will be dear friends for life. Enjoy this evening of celebration because each and everyone of you deserve it!" Cheering and applause washed through the yard like a wave and in a heartbeat the sound of music traveled through the air. 

First to stand was Demeter, she smiled coyly to Munkustrap before strutting out into the clearing. She was closely followed by other mated queens as they formed a circle, their bodies were moving in sync with the rhythm. The queens stretched their left leg out before leaning down and raking a paw through their fur up the length of their leg. Next the circle stretched into a line so they were facing their tribe audience. Already some of the toms' jaws had dropped. Up first was Annette. She maneuvered forwards, her whole body twisting and turning in time with the seductive tune. She made winding movements with her arms into the air and her body turned with each swing of the hips. Once her solo was finished she sashayed back over to her mate Donnie and leaned down to kiss him passionately. As she sat beside him, the tom seemed positively flustered. 

Cassandra strutted out and for a moment was still, letting her eyes fall upon her mate, she then began to sway and bend to the tricky tune of the flute. Though Cassandra was pregnant, she wasn't that far gone and she was about to perform the best dance for Admetus as possible. Rapidly, she kicked her right leg up high and grabbed hold of her foot, propelling her into a spin. Once both feet were firmly planted back down, her hips shimmied, her movements were like fluid. All throughout she edged closer and closer to her mate until she was right in front of him. Instantly, Admetus sprung to his feet and roughly pulled her body against his. She bit her lip and winked at her mate. Alonzo whistled playfully at the pair, but neither the grey tom nor the Burmese cared, they kissed hungrily and happily until Admetus swept Cassandra off of her feet and carried her away. 

It was now Jemima's turn. She made her way to the front by a series of neat spins, she was so fast the colours of her coat all blurred into one. Alonzo's eyes widened as he watched his mate swirl and kick energetically. He couldn't wait until she had finished dancing, he hopped up and sprinted to her. Jemima embraced Alonzo tightly, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. Firmly he placed his hands on her waist and lifted Jemima high above his head, he turned slowly as she was eased down. 

Rumpleteazer made her grand entrance with a cartwheel. She wiggled her rear before tumbling into a forward roll. From his high up perch, Pouncival roared with a cheer. As soon as Rumple leapt up she kicked up her left leg, then her right before finally dropping into a split. Skipping out of the light the queen climbed up the junk stack and practically tackled Pouncival. 

Fluttering out, Victoria embodied the graceful power of a human ballerina. She performed a neat pirouette before halting and arching backwards. Fluttering her arms some more, Victoria leaned forwards and down, extending her left leg up in the air behind herself. In his usual calm and quiet manner, Plato slinked up beside his mate. She pressed her back to his chest, taking hold of his paws and outstretching them, they swayed with the rhythm and finished with Plato lifting Victoria into the fish dive. 

Electra's routine was a stark contrast to Victoria's. The rust coloured queen danced wildly and freely, throwing her arms from side to side, swinging her hips left to right. As she jumped into the air she swung her body into a spin, truly enjoying the moment Electra let out a whoop of joy. Tumblebrutus smiled widely as he watched his new mate enjoy herself. A nudge to his back from Etcetera prompted the tom to join his mate. They met in the light of the clearing and Tumblebrutus wrapped his arms around the queen's waist, lifting her slightly into a spin. 

Finally, it was Demeter's turn. She was the last queen standing and all eyes were on her, especially Munkustrap's. For once Demeter felt no fear, no panic. She was full of confidence. Outstretching her left arm to the side, Demeter raked her right paw through the black and gold fur that covered it. Her hands then traveled down the sides of her torso and over her curvaceous hips, the whole time she shimmied to the playful music. A coy smile was playing upon the queen's lips, her dance was simple but she was playing to her assets and Munkustrap certainly knew it. Silently, he stood and glided out to his mate. Deme smiled as she placed her hands onto the silver tabby's broad shoulders. "I love you Munk." She whispered, her smile extending. 

"Demeter, my words cannot describe how much I love you." With that the tom dipped her low and kissed her deeply. 


A new tune filled the Jellicle Junkyard, soft and sweet. The light became warm and filled the whole area, pouring into every nook and cranny. Callus slowly walked out into the clearing, his face was absent from emotion and for once he wasn't bouncing, back flipping or break dancing. He was completely still. Following suit, George joined his brother and once they were side by side their heads bowed. The light transformed to a milky blue and focused solely on the toms. A whimsical flutter of a flute and violin introduced Hariena. She pattered and twirled around the toms, finally stopping next to George. The audience were intrigued to see what they had in store next. When Blizzard emerged, her style of dance was slightly different from her cousin's, she was sharper, more fierce. Once both princesses were beside a tom each, everything seemed to freeze. The music, the dancers, the audience. Suddenly, a whooshing sound rocketed through the yard and it snapped the four young Jellicles into action. George faced Hariena and Callus turned to Blizzard. The toms grasped hold of their partner's waist and the girls kicked their legs up as they were lifted into the air. 

"YES! That's my family!" Demeter whooped. 

Sprinting towards Callus, Blizzard quickly grabbed hold of his gloved hands and propelled herself down sliding between his legs. On the other side George jumped over the fiery princess. The rapid routine came to another standstill and Zelda skipped out before tumbling into a series of back flips. 

"THAT'S MY BABY!" Cried Plato. 

As Hariena and Blizzard continued to twirl, kick and move through the air like lightening, both George and Callus knelt down, Zelda balanced upon their knees and they got a firm hold of her calves. The routine came to a spectacular end end with Zelda being lifted to stand on the boy's shoulders and Hariena and Blizzard slid into splits in front of them. 

The applause was immense, each and everyone stood, their hands clapping high above their heads. The group bowed, proud of their energetic dance, but as the applause died down, someone remained clapping, sarcastically slow. All eyes shifted to the 'up-top' platform. 

"Well, wasn't that lovely." 


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