Chapter 16. A pledge of love.

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~artwork above by yours truly :)~

After near enough a week of staying in the infirmary after giving birth, Annette and Rainprancer were able to leave and move in with Donnie into their very own Junkyard den. Once Jelly had finished the final health checks on the mother and son, she gave them the go ahead to be discharged.

"Remember, any worries just pop in!" Jelly reminded.

"Merci Jellylorum." Annette thanked as she scooped her son up into her arms. He let out a small mew of protest but quickly settled against his mother's chest. Just before leaving, the french queen knelt beside Jelly's other patient, Electra. The two of them touched paws and smiled. "Take care of yourself, Electra." She said, gesturing to the bandage wrapped around the rust queen's waist.

"I will don't worry, it's nearly healed anyway." She reassured. With a nod, Annette rose to her feet and gracefully glided out of the infirmary. Jellylorum went back to her herbs and Electra snuggled down into her blankets for a nap, after a few heartbeats her eyes fluttered shut and she fell into a light doze. Tumblebrutus entered a few minutes later, a timid expression was apparent on his face as he padded inside. He gave his mother a quick peck on the cheek before turning to face the sleeping Electra.

For several years now Tumblebrutus and Electra had been growing closer. The tom had already confessed that he wanted to pledge to her, but when he would they were both unsure of that. "Mother, may I have a minute alone with Electra?" He asked politely. The older queen glanced over her shoulder to the snoozing patient and smirked.

"Well OK, but no funny business in my infirmary." She warned jokingly. Tumble nodded and then Jelly left. Now alone, Tumblebrutus approached the queen. There was a brief moment of stillness, then the tom gently took hold of one of her paws. She stirred and turned, as her eyes met his a smile spread over her features.

"You OK there?" She chuckled, motioning to her paw in his, her light laughter made her nose crinkle, which Tumble couldn't help but smile at.

"Oh 'Lectra..." He sighed, it wasn't the exasperated kind of sigh, it was full of hope. "I can't wait any longer and I have to ask, we're good aren't we?" He asked, a croak of nervousness was audible in his voice.

"Of course we, you've asked this before." Electra giggled in response.

"Right, I was just double checking because you know...oh Rumpus...Electra, I love you and if you'll have me, I'd like to be your mate and you to be mine...does that make sense?" Instantly the rust coloured queen launched forwards and captured the tom in a kiss.

"It made perfect sense. Of course I'll be your mate!" She responded gleefully. If it were possible, a grin practically widened from ear to ear on Tumblebrutus' face as he wrapped his arms around his new mate's waist, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"You've made me the happiest tom on the planet!"

"And I hope it stays that way!"


Stepping out into the cooling breeze, Annette inhaled deeply, letting a soft smile play on her lips.

"My little baby," She cooed sweetly to the little kitten in her arms. Carefully, she held him up so he could look out to the yard as his mother walked. "This is your home! Mama and Papa haven't lived here very long, mais c'est très confortable!" Annette gushed. The mother and son continued on their peaceful journey across the square and when Donnie appeared from the entrance of their new den with arms open wide, Annette broke into a graceful sprint over to her mate until the three of them were enveloped in a loving embrace.

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