Chapter 7

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Aree pov

"Phen if your a mental dragon can you breath fire or is that only the fire dragon?" The consent of being the mother of dragons was still confusing and new questions kept buzzing and jumbling up in my head. We are having progress though, one baby dragon step at a time.

"No, I can't breath fire but I can create hallucinations that make people feel whatever hallucination I create. Like if I were to put you in a hallucination where you were being eaten by paranas then you would feel every single bite and waves of pain would consume you and you'd slowly go insane. However, I can also make good things happen like if your having a panic attack I could place you in a meadow during the sunset while it rains to calm you down." Interesting not only could Phen inflict pain but he could also make you feel joy after you've been depressed for so long.

"So, how do you protect me from vampires then? Like what I mean is how do you kill them?" If he's supposed to protect me then how can he if he can't even kill a vampire?

"Like I said they will slowly go insane and if they are so far gone they won't remember who they are or what they're supposed to do such as killing the dragon goddess, or they'll get tired of the torture and kill themselves. I can also take control over their minds and make them fight with us or just simply kill themselves."

"Will you get bigger Phen?"

"Oh yea. If ever in danger I will quickly grow a bit until fully grown, I must stand tall and strong to defend you." A smirk played upon his scaly lips and his little pointed teeth peeked through.

"How will I hide you if you get so big?" All dragons powers prevent mortals from seeing us even some mythical beings as well as to keep the identity of the goddess protected." Phens head snapped up as scratching notice sounded outside my window. The leaves swished in a quick motion, so it couldn't have been the wind. Phen began to sniff the air and I watched as he grew to already double his size and a snarl sounded. His wings flapped silently as he crept his way toward my window.

"Aree open the window then back away quickly." Phens voice seemed deeper like my dads he was serious you could tell by the look in his eyes and the concentration he held on his face as he starred out the window. I quickly un clasped the window chain and pulled it open. As I took a few steps backward Phen brushed his wing tips a crossed my face as he passed by me. The familiar look of black hair and slumped shoulders caught my attention outside the window.

"Phen wait I know him." I gently pulled Phens tail back as I got a better look at the silhouetted figure that sat on the branch of my tree. Phen gave me the "you gotta be kidding me look" and I matched his gaze with a scowl of my own.

"Aree, are you nuts?! He's a vampire for crying out loud, he's the vampire that's killed all the other goddesses!" Phen was speaking sternly at me and the should he was shooting both mine and Dontays way was menacing. If looks could kill Dontay deffinetly would have been long gone like I'm talking centuries ago gone. His words seeped through my head and finally registered in my brain, I turned my attention back onto Dontay. My brows came to get her and formed a crease between them as I questioned him.

"Is this all true?" My voice came out barely above a whisper and I felt my lip tremble slightly.

"Of corse it's true! I can't lie to you Aree." Phen was getting angrier by the second and was beginning to grow again. Dontay held up his hands in serender, his hair still blocked my eyes from pouring into his.

"I can explain why I am here and it's not the reason you think." Dontays head swiveled back and forth looking to me and Phen for an answer.

"Fine, but make no mistake if you so much as twitch toward me Phen will kill you and he's had too many years and too many lost mothers to think about how to drive you mad." My voice was menacing and so cold I thought I was going to start singing Let It Go. Dontay nodded and I stepped all the way back till I felt the wood if my closet door hut against my back. Dontay crept slowly through the window and made his way to my bed where he now sat,hands folded,and head dipped to keep his gaze glued to the floor.

"You gonna make him talk Aree? " Phen stood right behind me. His eyes were ablaze and his face scrunched in disgust as he glared at Dontay.

"Either start talking or your ill let Phen deal with you." Dontay chuckled at my retort before bringing his gaze up to meet mine. His eyes had finally shone through. The blue of his eyes shined in amusement, but they held something deeper beneath the first glance; sorrow and he suffered greatly from it. My eyebrows perked up and my eyes widened in surprise. He broke contact of our intense gaze and sighed his hair returned to cover his face as he stared back at the ground.

"Do your worst I'm already living in my worst hell." The coldness I felt toward him disappeared and my features softened as I looked at the boy who looked to be in the worst pain.

"What happened to you?" My voice was but a whisper, the carpet of my bedroom seemed to hold more joy at the moment. I'm surprised he heard my small voice.

"I was forced to choose the only person I've ever loved or the people who made it possible for me to live forever, and I fear my decision has cause numerous heart aches and tragedies to too many. I deserve my hell, but what of those who have done nothing? None of the dragon spirits deserve it not Mikasa, or you."

"Who's Mikasa?" I asked delicately. Dontay quickly whipped his head back at me.

"You met her when Phen first came to be in your possession." Phens tone had not changed nor had his glare wavered from Dontays sitting form.

"The women in white." I gasped

"Yes although white never shouted her." Dontays voice was shallow and his gaze was pointed down and to the side although his face pointed to me.

"So she was the goddess before me?"

"Yes." Phen had finally reached his breaking point and he finally looked toward me. A sad expression plagues his little purple face. Just then a beam of bright light appeared in the center of my room. Our faces became illuminated, and my eyes began to hurt as if I was being forced to stare at the sun.


Sorry for the wait but I've had a lot of things going on including its finals week but I hope you guys liked it and I'd really like your ideas for the next chapter, and what is that bright light although you probably already know.

Get ready for summer!!!

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