Chapter 8

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So I've been gone for a while and that's because it was finals week and it is now summer!!! But the reason why I've only just now updated is because I've become addicted to the awesomeness that is Netflix category Japanese anime. So here's chapter 8 enjoy :D


Dontay Pov

The blinding light dimmed and a bright white figure appeared.

"Mikasa" I couldn't stop her name from pouring out of my mouth when her delicate features shone through the light. The small dragon bowed to her and the new goddess followed. They rose as Mikasa flicked her fingers away. When they stood straight Aree spoke her vow of eternity; the seal that she will use her dragons for the good of the people that will serve under her reign. Mikasa turned her attention onto me as her voice pierced our ears.

"He has agreed to help to protect you Aree. He will not harm you as he has given up on the vampires reign. You have your first Allie, but I fear you'll need thousands upon thousands more to bring back our race." Her voice was hard as stone and the look that crossed Mikasas features was heart wrenching and I had the overwhelming feeling to throw up. I chose a complete stranger of a girl over my creators. It's something I couldn't do for Mikasa, something Mikasa will never have. She was the person I laughed with,cherished, and I wanted to protect her, she was the one thing that made my eternal life not so much like a fiery burning hell. But I gave it all gave her up and she was my everything. And it was all for what? Just so I could appear the council?! Just so I could keep my eternal life that kept eating away at me like I was rotting from the inside out?!I don't even like those piles of dirt, heck I hate myself more than I do them. Then again if it wasn't for them...if they would have never made that order she wouldn't be dead or at least not at my hand. If they hadn't existed then I would have died centuries ago. I got to meet her and cherish her and the time we had but in the end...I ended her. But now I change, for what some common girl whom I know nothing about let alone if I really need her. My mind kept wheeling and turning but I snapped back to the dreadful reality that is my life.

"Can I have a moment alone with Dontay?" Mikasa still had her sad smiling face looming on my slouching figure.

"Yes, we will be downstairs. Come down when your ready." Aree surprised me with her even tone as she looked at the floor. She then left the room quietly. Phen stayed rooted to the spot.

"I said alone Phen." Her tone was strong and held the power that had resonated and radiated from her in her living form.

"But, your majesty..." Phen looked saddened and taken back by Mikasas harsh words. (The only reason Dontay can hear Phen is because he pledged his allegiance in protecting Aree and they're now telepathically connected.)

"I am already dead Phen, that's the cold reality of it, so he can do no more...nor can you." Phens expression held such sorrow. It was the same sorrow I saw every time I looked at myself in the it is the same sorrow that now withers away at my heart. The little purple dragon slowly bowed and flew out the door with his head hung low. The door clicked as it closed behind Phen. My gaze then fell to Mikasa as she slowly made her way over to a different side of the bed.

"This is my last visit Dontay..." My chest clenched, and I stopped breathing as her voice continued to flow through the air smooth as silk.

"I had to tell them you were with them, or they'd kill you for sure. If they did that I wouldn't be able to tell you some things...some things you desperately need to hear..." My eyes narrowed and my lips pursed in confusion. What is she hiding from me?

"You must protect her, or at least die trying or else you'll go to the depths of hell when you die. But if you die defending her your soul will go to the Dragons kingdom. You know what this means right? It means that you will be with me for all of forever." Ill live with Mikasa?! Her gaze turned and dropped to the floor, she saddened.

"You might think you loved me Dontay. It's true our love caused a spark...but it wasn't enough to light the fire. You'll understand when it comes."

"I could never care for someone more than I do you. You and you alone made me feel warmth and happiness. Your the only one..." My voice shook. How. Could she say that? She's the only person I've ever cared for. In all of my centuries past...and would have shone me the light in my forever coming futures. She chuckled, yet it was filled with her pain but she smiled and shrugged it off.

"You see Aree and I are connected. All goddesses are connected that little remaining pice of life that's left from all the goddesses before her surge and makeup her soul. When a goddess has proven herself she obtains those pieces and becomes apart of you see me and her were family. If she dies so do our souls completely nothing will ever make us up again not even a measly soul. So, when you defend her...use the furrosidy and determination you would have if you were to defend me." Her eyes met mine again. Even the white glow of the moon couldn't compare to her wimsicle beauty.

"I guess you are defending the last living piece of me. If she dies because you turned against her...and again on me, you'll never see me again." Her facial expression grew stone cold and I could only bring myself to offer a small nod. My throat dried, and it became painful to breathe from the ache in my heart. My voice wouldn't come as I gripped on for dear life on the sheets as Mikasa stood from the bed. Her body was stiff but calm and she walked to the door and left me sitting there, not a glance back at me nor a word of farewell.

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