The Dragon Goddess and the Vampire Boy

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I was walking in a forrest, birds chirping a simple tune and the summer breeze feathered my black silky hair ac crossed my face as I walked. A snap came from behind me, I whipped my head around and saw a black figure that was shadowed by the trees. My eyes looked on two glowing circles that were shrouded by the figures darkness. It took me only but a moment to turn back around and run for my life!

"He's gonna get me!" Over and over the words screamed in my mind. I tripped over a log and rolled to the ground. I flipped my self onto my back the cold wet grass was slippery beneath my small body. I looked up at my pursuer and his eyes glowed red as I screamed and sat up. The image in front of me instantly changed from the green of the trees in the forest to the black and red swirls that covered my bedroom walls. I breathed in heavily and flopped back on my pillow covered in sweat.

"It's ok Aree..." I whispered (pronounced are-ee) "it was just a dream, just a dream" I turned my head to face my clock "3am great...the devils hour" I sighed and I was fully awake and had to get up at 5 for school

"At least that would explain the nightmares" I rolled on my side and left my hair to cascade over my face in a knotted mess. I just layer there motionless and quiet, I satires at my bedroom door that led out to our hallway that was filled with darkness. I listened to the calming quiet chirps of the crickets outside my window, and the swoosh and crinkle that happened when the breezes of the soft rain brought jungled and rustled the leaves about on their branches. Peace, beautiful sweet peace. I let my eyes close and they masked the soft glow of the moon as it peaked through my window, leaving me in complete darkness to my own thoughts and my own world where sleep took me in its hold once again.

My alarm beeped and blared at me loud and proud at 5am sharp. My arm came up and like a floppy noodle let gravity take over and hit the snooze button to shut the piece of crap up. My body didn't want to move, I didn't want to move, my brain didn't want to work, I didn't want to work. Finally sitting up I crossed my legs within the sheets and pulled my arms over my tangled mess of hair. My calendar read 24th of May, meaning birthday number 17 for me. I perked up and did my daily routine, with my hair straightened to the middle of my back and bangs swooping over my right eye, makeup on, and all the normal stuff I trudged to my closet. I slipped on a black tank top that read "Don't Hate Me", black skinny jeans and along came my black combat boots. A quick double check in the mirror and I approve not that anyone else will care how I look I'm the low barring ball that brings everyone else down I'm still the tear

Cheers pet and seen as one of the "unwanted" around my peers. Oh well gotta do something right although I can't tan so ill have to stay with my white as freshly fallen snow skin for all of my life but I'm ok with that it brings out my bright blue eyes. Jogging down the flight of stairs I heard my parents arguing yet again so I turned up Ghost by Parachute and slipped out the door un-noticed, un-bothered and un-wanted.

My black motorcycle died down as I pulled out the key in the parking lot right as I park the usual everyday hassle from my peers starts. The mocking stupid comments of the ignorance that has been created and plugged into this generation. I'm ashamed to be in the generation that created the most idiotic of things like "YOLO", "Swag", and don't forget the worst "twerking". Don't get me started. It's not that their comments and attempts to poke and jab at my feel goods hurt it's just that it's been happening for so long. I've gone through the stages first it's pain then used to it then board of it now I'm on annoyed. Jocks and other students shuffle through the hallways as I make my way to my locker. A hard shove awakens me from my thoughts and my shoulder is pushed back and a slights sting settles in. I turn and see a blue jacket covering the back of a boy; he didn't turn and look, he just keeps sauntering down the hall with his shoulders slightly slumped and his head pointed forward.he then scoffed and quoted my choice of top apparel.

"Don't Hate Me" he scoffs "Everyone hates you".

I sighed and grabbed the books out of my cramped, jumbled up locker and under my breath uttered

"I know".

Walking into my first hour class my eyes lock on to a familiar blue jacket. I now notice his black hair that seems to be buzz cut in the back and around his ears and I think I see bangs that are most likely shadowing his eyes or "windows to his soul". The bell rings and our teacher goes on for most of the period about the importance of human interaction for you mental health. Why is health so boring and I've taken it way too many times, I could be asleep right now or eating food while watching Attack On Titian on Netflix but no I have to come and hour earlier for this stupid class.

"Today a new student is joining us, will you please come up and introduce yourself." Blue jacket stood up. Great first day here and he already knows to pick on me or else he pays the price. He stumbled up to the front and faced us. I was right about his hair but now I'm curious as to see what his eyes look like and the color this jet black hair was like a brick wall between a fat stupid person and a candy bar the fat person really wants the candy bar but doesn't know how to get to it.

"I'm Dontay" his voice sounded stronger and less quiet when it was just me talking to him. "Not much to learn I just want out of here ASAP like the rest if you."

His body seemed slender and strong but I can't tell because if all the baggy clothing he was wearing. The only thing I saw that wasn't expected was when his head swiveled in my direction and I think that was a smirk that made its way to his lips.

That's all for today, like, vote, and comment what you might wanna see next or your thoughts.

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