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Dontay pov

It's almost 5 am May 25th, I'm sitting on a branch outside of Arees window. I watch her sleeping form still cuddle with her unborn dragon, and her breaths are small and calm. The sheets would rise and fall with each little breath, I could hear their heartbeats pump the rushes of red blood through their veins. I've been thinking all day about what Mikasa had said. This would mean betraying everything I know for I have long forgotten my humanity and the difference between what is right and what is selfish. Centuries had passed since I was human, centuries have passed since I could feel warmth and the genial caress of comforting hand, and centuries had passed since I knew for certain who I am, but all of that is gone. I sigh, "why must everything have to be so difficult?" As the thought sized in my head I heard councilman Alec's voice sounded

"Dontay, your presence is needed imediantly." My hands scrubbed at my face in an attempt to wake me up and concentrate. So, what do I do betray the people I have called my family since almost the beginning of time, or betray the person I have already betrayed once before the one who almost made me feel all those things I forgot, Mikasa.

"Yes sir." My message was sent through to the council, I wish I could stay. It feels like Mikasas' presence is here for I only felt this at peace and this human when she was around. I cracked my tired and stiff bones then jumped from the tree and landed on the balls of my feet. My momentum carried me forward so when the balls of my feet hit the ground I jumped slightly and turned into a barrel roll. When I stopped the grass was wt and the droplets of water collected on my finger tips, shoes and the black jeans that covered my right knee cap. With vampiric speed I traveled to the council meeting.

*hours later*

The council is relentless they want her annihilated immediately. I have to make my decision quick if I will save the girl or make sure the dragons die once and for all. With the way my mind is thinking irrationally and everything becoming a nonexistent factor of the world I think the council will have to face facts that I will not let Aree die.

"Only for you Mikasa" I breathed out and tilted my head back and let the little droplets of sweet rain dapple my face. My black bangs parted and exposed my deep crystal blue eyes. My eyelids closed and I dropped to my knees, my legs just seemed to fall from me. My arms rested on my legs with my palms facing the dark sky of 8 pm. This rain was something different I normally loved the rain but now it was like I had joined the weeping heavens of the clouds an all new high. My eyes opened with a gasp as the realization that this rain is Mikasas tears. She had heard me, little streams of blood began to trickle from my filled eyes I quietly cried with both joy and sorrow. I rejoiced for she had heard me and this was her forgiveness, but I was also filled with sorrow, guilt and regret because if i had never betrayed her she would be here now, with me everyday, and I wouldn't half to ever let her go. My head dropped and I stained intently at my pale palms blood dripped down apon them. I sniffed I know I seem like I'm a crybaby but I only cry out for Mikasa she was special, and I did the worst thing possible to her.

"Be strong my warrior." Her soft voice sounded right by my ear. My head snapped up at the thought and hope she was here, I searched and skinned all around me until my eyes met with her white orb eyes. She smiled sadly at me as white lines streaked her cheeks, her real tears. The rain still poured for she still cried. I shot up from my spot on the ground and ran to her and our bodies collapsed together when they met. Our knees bent and we kneeled on the ground embracing each other. Her body was solid and she no longer had the ghost like aura surrounding her. My heart ached in my chest and my throat became sore as I clenched my jaw to stop from weeping at the sight if her. When I pulled away my Mikasa was back her fiery red flat hair had returned along with her small freckles that sprinkled across her perfectly tan skin on her cheeks. When her gaze held mine I saw fields of green, her eyes pouring into mine and I could see her spirit through those eyes of the person I killed. One of her delicate small hands gently crashed my right cold hand, the hand that ended her. My breathing became rigid, and I was in anguish, I could finally tell her everything.

"Mikasa..." She looked intently at me, and studied my features and before I could stop myself I felt my lips brush hers and I pecked her lips then pulled away. It was brief but I needed her to know.

"I will never stop regretting that day and what I did to you just how i will never stop loving you." I whipped the blood from my face and looked into her eyes, her white hair and eyes had returned and her freckles had vanished along with her freckles, leaving behind a perfectly white blank canvass. Her lip wavered and her hair fell in front of her face like a curtain as her head dipped to her hands in her lap.

"Why does everything have to hurt Dontay? Why can't I just come back to you?" Her hands clenched and wrinkled the white dress that cloaked around her small body. She slowly brought her gaze back to mine, her tears returning and streaming down her face. I pulled her into my chest and whipped the tears from her face and kissed her head. I closed my eyes as my lips made contact with her white hair and took in her scent, rain, the closest thing I have to knowing if their is a god. Mikasa is my hope that I can find myself. We stayed in the grassy field for a while till she had to leave and she simply evaporated in my arms. I was holding her so tight that once she was gone my arms clung around my waist and stomach. I tipped my head down and bent over till my forehead was against the cold ground the blood in my eyes seeping down in small streams and I sighed trying to compose myself

"Goodnight Mikasa, my existence is nothing without you." I whispered hoping she heard, but what I really wanted her to hear were three little overused words that trick but this is no trick it came from that little crack she made in bringing me back to myself

"I love you" left my lips as I layed like that as I basked in my agony of my own treachery.

May 26th I watched with interest as the little mental dragon Phen hatched and bonded with Aree. He would squawk from time to time though I don't know what he said to her. His way of communication is through the mind and I couldn't pick the lock to Phens secrets. I watched as the tiny purple dragon flew by her already on guard as he most likely sensed my presence in the tree outside her window but wasn't sure if I was actually there. They were talking and it was 8 at night I heard her ask him questions but I didn't know the answer he had given her. I slapped my palm to my forehead hard, too hard seeing as I fell back and had to hold onto the tree branch with one hand so I wouldn't make noise. Sure I could fly but that would make noise and they can't know I'm here plus if I come in contact with holy things ill loose my strength so good to keep up my strength without using the powers. I was so weak after being in so much contact with Mikasa I had to feed from fresh blood but I couldn't get up for hours only arriving at Arees right after Phen was hatched and named. I just now remembered that I could read Arees mind and she was thinking of his answeres. I looked through the window and saw shiny little golden tears leave the little dragons eyes. I slowly pushed into her mind and heard Phens voice as he spoke of the other dragon goddesses. All of the goddesses that have ever been turned or killed is because of me I discovered the secret and now he only has one chance left to have a mother and if he fails no other dragon will get to meet its mother. I pulled out of her head and put my head in my hands. I could feel my humanity returning and my heart ached worse after hearing al, I've done to them, I truly am a monster. I heard a growl to my right and swiveled my head, little Phen has began to grow in extreme emergencies dragons will quickly grow to keep their goddess out of danger. My eyes widened, and I held up my hands and then came face to face with Aree while I was stuck in a tree outside her window.

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