Chapter 1

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I slowly opened my eyes to see the sun rays peeking in through the blinds. I glanced over at the clock on my nightstand; 6:30am. I stretched slightly before I rolled over onto my side to grab my phone off the nightstand. I saw that I had a couple texts from some girls but I didn't bother to reply to any. I rubbed my eyes and peeled the covers off my body slowly sitting up on the edge of my bed.

First day of senior year.

Where the heck did the time go?

I hopped off my bed and grabbed a towel and a pair of boxers before heading into the shower. I did my daily grooming routine and came out of the bathroom in only my boxers. I walked to my closet and grabbed a pair of dark denim fitted jeans and a black band tee. It is the first day of senior year but I don't want it to seem like I dressed up for it.

I could hear the floor creaking down the hall so I assumed that my mom was awake. She hated that I was turning legal in two weeks. If she had a time machine I'm almost positive she'd go back to when I was 6 and stay there. But life goes on, no matter how long you want certain moments to last.

I took a long sigh before rubbing on some deodorant and throwing on my converse. I was never the type of guy to spend much time on my hair. All I have to do is run my fingers through it and it gets exactly how I want it. Messy is sexy. At least that's what one of my friends, Haley says all the time. Not sure I agree with that statement on everything but with my hair it seems to work.

I grabbed my book bag and iPhone before heading out my room. I found my mom in the kitchen wearing her business suit and a ear piece sipping out of a coffee mug.

"Meeting today?" I asked setting my book bag down on the table.

She nodded. "Get that off my table." She gestured towards my book bag.

I rolled my eyes sliding my bag off the table and onto the floor.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked.

My mom reached on top of the fridge and pulled down a box of Captain Crunch a fake broadway smile plastered on her face as she pointed to the box.

I laughed before shaking my head.

"I think I'll just eat at school." I lied grabbing my book bag off the floor and keys off the counter.

"Oh my baby." My mom said coming over to me, grabbing my face into her hands. "I can't believe you're a senior!" She said squishing my cheeks in with her hands.

"Mom." I said in a muffled voice from her squeezing my cheeks. "Please, I don't want to be late."

"Oh alright." She said before messing up my hair and kissing me on the forehead.

I ran my fingers through my hair before beginning to walk out the house.

"Love you too mom."

I shut and locked the door behind me climbing into the drivers seat of my old rusty car. I've had it since I was a Sophmore. All of my friends wonder why I still have it but I actually have my reasons. Joan always loved this car. She even named it Lucky. That for her own reasons, and it just seemed to stick with me.

I arrived at the school with my music blasting loud. I parked in my usual parking space that always seemed to be open for me. I turned off the car and took a deep breath. Looking out of the window shield I could see all the people greeting their friends, taking pictures, couples holding hands, and the usual cliques began to form. I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened my door. I heard a few giggles from some girls across the lot. I glanced in their direction to see them sheepishly look away. I half smiled at them before getting my book bag out of the backseat then closing the door.

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