Chapter 3

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"Luke?" she managed to choke out.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, "Joan." I stated looking at her in disbelief.

She shook her head and looked away before looking back at me. "Look at you!" she said in almost a whisper. It sounded like she was about to cry.

I didn't know what to do. I wanted to remove this space from between us and hug her. Another part of me wanted to storm away and let her get a taste of how I felt for two years. I was at a lost for words so talking wasn't an option the only thing I could manage to spit out was;


She played with her fingers before running them through her hair which was shorter and browner.

"Okay, I don't expect you to forgive me or understand why I did what I did or-"

"Why you just left me and your family here with nothing, had us worried, going almost insane about if you were dead or alive."

She closed her eyes as I talked before opening them. "Yes, yes I know." she said looking down at her feet.

"I'm sorry." she said not looking back up.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I looked at Joan. I haven't looked at her in two years. As angry as I was at her I don't want our first time seeing each other in years to be like this. I've missed her so much and to have her here again makes me happy.

"Look Joan," she looked up at me. "Yeah what you did was pretty messed up. But believe it or not I've missed you and I don't want our first time seeing each other in two years to start off like this."

She smiled slightly. "Thanks and I've missed you too."

I almost laughed in her face and said, if you missed me you would've came back before this but I just kept quiet. I guess my face showed that I didn't believe it because the smile on her face went away.

"Let me get my stuff." I say starting to go to my locker. She starts to follow me but from the looks decides against it because she stands awkwardly to the side.

I turn in my combination amazed at this morning's events. I grab my phone and text Calum immediately; although he's probably more pissed at Joan than I am. He stayed behind and witnessed me go through her leaving which wasn't a pretty sight. I grab my few books and a pencil as I make my way back to Joan. She smiles when I get closer and begins to walk next to me. As we walk down the halls I show her a few bathrooms, the counselor's office, and a few other rooms until it's silent. I don't have anything nice to say at all, so I'm going to keep quiet.

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