Chapter 16: Luceil Katsumi

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I decided to make a decision which I might regret. I stayed. Which resulted in a few restless hours of thinking. During which time Aeyon had his arm around my waist and was sleeping, to my knowledge.

When I woke up, confirming I'd managed to sleep some, Aeyon is gone. I see his phone and decide to check the time. 7:09 Tuesday. I roll over and go back to sleep.

After a bit Aeyon wakes me up and says, "It's 7:30 you're going to be late."

"I don't want to," I mutter into the pillow.

"Have to," Aeyon says before walking away.

I manage to drag myself out of bed and head upstairs to the guest room. I get changed and decide that minimum makeup is fine.


I just manage to step into class when the bell rings starting first period. I end up falling asleep in most of my classes, but manage to not get caught.

"Aye! Luc!" I hear from behind me as I walk towards my car.

I turn around and see my one female friend, Daizen. "You're finally back, how was it?"

"I'm on the road to recovery!" Daizen exclaims. "You still clubbing?"

"No, I lost my friend status so I can't get in anymore," I say.

"You and Grif fought?" Daizen questions.

"Worse, we are basically enemies now. Edulis and I still talk though," I say.

"Speaking of them, when you gonna turn vamp?" Daizen asks, failing to be low key.

"Never, I can't, not anymore," I say.

"Tell me," Daizen begs, grabbing my hands.

"Not right here," I say. "Let's get into the car."

We get in and I start driving. I instinctively turn towards Aeyon's house and Daizen asks, "Where we going?"

"Crap, I was on autopilot," I mutter. "I'm staying at a friends house right now, dad's on a trip."

"Friend?" Daizen asks giving me a look.

I find a place to park on the side of the road and dial for Aeyon. It almost goes to voicemail but Aeyon picks up last second.

"What is it Lu?" He asks.

"Uhh, well," I start trailing off. "Is this a bad time?"

"No, Zura's just being a pain. I won't be home for about and hour by the way," Aeyon says.

"Oh, okay. My friend was wanting to meet you, she's human," I say.

"That's fine, I'll make sure neither Azolla nor Zura make an appearance," Aeyon says before hanging up.

"Human," Daizen says mockingly.

"Oh shut up, it's how I told him that I wasn't with a vampire," I snap. "Anyways he says it's alright."

"He does? When were you gonna tell me your staying with a guy?" Daizen asks, mockingly.

I ignore her and finish driving to Aeyon's house. When we get there Daizen's speechless. I park and we get out. After I've unlocked the door, she runs in like a child. Once Daizen's finished scouting out the house I lead her up to the guest room.

"This house is ama-zing!" Daizen says. "Can I marry him?"

"No!" I snap. I cover my mouth with my hand, surprised at my own response. "Sorry, that's in a very touchy subject area."

"Spill it, who is he?" Daizen says, settling into the bed.

"So basically it's what their type call an Only," I start. "So basically Aeyon is mine. Which means he's basically my soul mate."

"So cliché," Daizen comments.

"True that," I confirm. "Anyways so recently, aka yesterday, Grifith told me his mother wants to turn me into a vampire. Which Aeyon is pissed about."

"I'll gladly take your place," Daizen offers.

I ignore her and continue, "So apparently that's not even possible. According to Aeyon, and confirmed by my dad, I'm not human."

"That could have been what you said first, Lady," Daizen complains.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, moving on," I say. "So whatever I am, I'm not allowed to know, I have to figure out for myself."

"I bet your an ancient mythic," Daizen says.

"Wait why?" I ask, puzzled.

"Remember what Edulis said about the ancient mythical?" Daizen asks. Not waiting for an answer she says, "They are rare demons, or mythics, that are dormitory, species wise. If you have two halves, the ancient will take over."

"How do you even remember that?" I question. "We read that book with Edulis years ago."

"I specially store all magical information in my memory," Daizen reminds me.

"You're so odd," I mutter. "Anyways so what happened with Grifith is that the mark he placed in me was over ridden by one Aeyon placed. He got upset about it and told me to stay away from Aeyon because he might be planing to hunt me."

"Isn't her your, only, thing?" Daizen asks, confused.

"We didn't know about that yet," I say. "Anyways, I happened to run into Aeyon at the park and he explained some of the magical shit to me."

"Oh, like what?" Daizen interrupts.

"Apparently what ever he is feeds off of energy instead of blood like vampires," I says. "Now that I think about it, Aeyon hasn't told me what he, Azolla and Zura are."

"Wait, Azolla and Zura, who are those?" Daizen asks.

"Was that even english?" I question. "Either way, they're two of his sisters. He also has two cousins if I'm remembering correctly."

"Now for the important human stuff," Daizen says, rubbing her hands together. "Tell me about Aeyon."

"Uh, he's on my nerves right now?" I say.

"No, oh my gourd!" Daizen exclaims. "What's he like? How far have you gotten? How old is he? Is he hot? Those things idiot."

"Gourd?" I question. "Moving on, he's nice? I guess. We've kissed once. He's a mere 1019 years old. And let me think, uh yes."

"1019?!" Daizen yells. "Dam, what age does he look?"

"19-20ish," I say.

"I always knew older guys were your type, Ihn excluded," Daizen jokes.

"I've never liked Grifith or Edulis that way," I defend.

"What ever you say hun," Daizen says, shrugging. "But more importantly, you have your literal forever guy in the same house as you unsupervised and you've kissed once?"

"Not only that but it was yesterday too," I say.

"Oh my lord!" Daizen exclaims exasperated. "You are the slowest high schooler I've ever met! Get your seventeen year old self together already!"

"You never said that about my ex!" I exclaim.

"He was an asshole," Daizen reminds me. "I thought you should just dump him."

"Savage much?" I ask. "Be it true or not."

AN: so I'm maybe back... I have the next chapter in the making but I have had on/off writers block for a while now... I apologize for the wait, hope you enjoyed.

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