When did you get so smart?

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After a week or so Lip's leg had healed and he was pissing about in no time. The only problem was I never bloody saw him anymore because he was always with Karen Fucking Jackson. Other then when I was with Simon, I was a fucking loner all the time and I didn't really know what to do about it. My Mom gets Sundays off and usually, she'd go out with Fiona and Veronica for a drink on the night before once she gets off work but Fiona was with Steve, a relationship that seemed to be going well, and my Mom's boss made her work overtime so she was knackered. I hadn't seen much of Christopher because he works most of the time and stays at his fancy apartment in the city most nights.

I woke up at around midday on Sunday and went downstairs expecting my Mom to be up but she wasn't so I made her a coffee and went upstairs to her room to wake her.

"Thanks, babes," she yawned as she sat up and I sat on her bed. "What you up to today then?"

I shrugged, "no clue."

"Are you not meeting Lip? I haven't seen much of him actually."

"He's spending all of his time with this girl that girl he likes, Karen Jackson."

"Oh, right," she nodded. "Well, what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Who are you spending time with?"

"No one."

She took a sip of coffee, "what about Ian?"

"He works most of the time."


"I am spending time with him but it's still a little awkward 'cos we don't really know each other."

"Well, what about that boy you took round to the Gallagher house a couple weeks back?"


"Yeah," she wriggled her eyebrows. "Veronica told me that he has his eye on you."

I rolled my eyes and buried my face in my hands, "Kyle's a dick."

"Well, apparently he's a hot one."


"Alright, alright," she laughed. "Why don't you see if Simon wants to do something?"

"I'll ask him tomorrow but today I want to spend the day with you."



"Hello, stranger!"

"Hi Ian," I smiled as my Mom and I walked into the shop wearing our comfiest pyjamas.

"Hi, ladies," greeted Kash.

As Kash and my Mom got into a conversation, I walked over to the candy and smiled as Ian followed me.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"Nowhere," I laughed. "Home, why?"

"I just haven't seen you."

"Ah, well, I haven't seen much of Lip over the past week, to be honest, and I'm bored out of my brain."

"He's been spending all of his time with Karen hasn't he?"

I nodded and picked up a big bar of chocolate, "looks like it." He looked at me sympathetically and I rolled my eyes, "I'm not bothered, Red."

He shrugged, "if you say so."

I gave him a look as I picked up more sugary treats, "I honestly don't give a fuck, Ian. I'm just bored."

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