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"Where do you plan to stay?" Ian asked me the next day. "Because I don't think Fiona's very fond of you staying here at the moment."

"I'm just gonna crash on the couch, not bother anyone. I'm not talking to Debbie, I'm sort of becoming friends with Carl, and I don't know what else to do. I got all the things off of Colin's front yard, but I just don't know where else to go." I said, drinking my coffee. Debbie walked downstairs.

"I'm gonna head out." Ian said, walking away.

Debbie tried talking to me but I moved my things to the couch and sat on my phone.

"Iz, come on. I said I was sorry like 45 times." She told me, sitting in front of me.

I ignored her.

"I thought you'd told Colin already!" She said. I scoffed and put my phone down.

"Even if you thought I told him, it was still none of your business to tell his mom. I wanted to avoid what happened yesterday. I thought you were my friend, Debbie! You should have at least fucking told me you were gonna say something." I said. "Now Fiona is not talking to me any more than she was before, Carl's got a black eye, and I'm sleeping on the couch! I can't be with your brother! Not the way he's been acting!" I shouted. "So please, just let me live my own life. Drama free." I said, getting up and walking away. I went to the fridge and grabbed a beer. I went to the front porch and sat down.

"I get that Debbie did something fucked up, but you don't need to yell at her." Fiona said, sitting next to me.

"She ruined everything." I said, not looking at her.

"Colin was nothing but bad, okay? I get that you loved him, or liked him, or whatever, but that doesn't mean you need to shit on the rest of us." Fiona said, putting an arm around me.

"I'm sorry for being so rude to you guys." I said. "Everything has been going wrong and I don't know how to fix it." I said.

"You'll figure it out." She said. We both walked inside.

"God, go sleep in your room, Frank. This couch is mine." I told him, walking past him. I pulled my pillow from under him.

"I can't. I just can't." He said, sitting up. "It's the last place I spent in the United States with Bianca." He said.

"I'm sick of hearing about your dead girlfriend." Fiona told him.

"What? What? What's the matter with you? How could you say something like- what's the matter- how dare you blaspheme the name of Bianca?" Frank asked. Fiona and I walked away. "How dare you?" He asked, slamming the door. I walked into the kitchen and sat at the table with Nick, Debbie, Liam, and Carl.

"Good morning." She said as I sat down. Nobody responded. Carl and I exchanged looks. "Good morning to you too, Fiona." She said. She looked at Nick. "Friend Nick is still here, huh?" She asked Carl.

"Yep." He simply responded.

"How long you plan on staying, Nick?" Fiona asked. Nick and Carl looked at each other.

"A while." Carl responded for him.

"You don't have a place to go?" She asked him. Carl and Nick looked at each other again.

"No family." Carl spoke for him... again.

"Does he talk?" Fiona asked. They looked at each other.... again.

"I've got him covered." Carl responded.

"So, uh, hey, Debbie?" Fiona asked.

"Yeah?" Debbie asked, not looking at Fiona.

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