Poem : Ballad Of The Devil's Child

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The world of ours, so sweet: so bright,
Crumbles within due to acts of might,
Acts of treason: acts of pain,
Acts of brutal happiness and gain.
One such tale is here to tell.
Of a vagabond, with no place to dwell.

A young child, he never learnt to read.
Orphaned young, he began to plead.
He began to beg to quench his needs.
As time moved on, committed heinous deeds.
His selfish mind made his soul bleed.
He knew no religion, nor any creed.

He knew not, the presence of any God.
Never knelt to pray to an almighty lord.
For he was a man, who lived by night.
To appease hunger, he learnt to fight.
He began to cheat, he began to steal.
By day a beggar, by night he was a thief.

He lived day to day and hand to mouth.
In search of a future, he headed south.
He did not know, what lay ahead.
Whether he'd live, or if he'd be dead.
What was his destiny, he didn't know.
Failed to realise, you'd reap as you sow.

For months and years, he stole for ale.
Lived on food that had gone stale.
Upon a rich merchant, he set his sights.
To loot him, in the dead of the night.
To aid in the job, he bought a gun.
To protect himself, when he's on the run.

The fateful day had finally reached.
His mind to charge, his soul breached.
He saw the wagon, coming up the trail.
After this night, he'd ne'er steal for ale.
Never have to cheat, never have to lie.
He knew today, was to do, or to die.

A log of wood, on the road he kept.
Silently amongst the bushes he crept.
The wagon on the road came to a halt.
Two guards alight to remove the fault.
Two puffs of smoke, two shots fired.
The two guards, upon the log expired.

That very moment, he took his chance.
Ran, pointed the gun, held his stance.
Guard in the back, whom he'd ignored.
Let his gun fly, unlike ever before.
A pellet in his chest, he fell to the ground.
The wagon moved on without a sound.

His body laid there forehead weeping.
Tears of blood in the ground seeping.
His soul looked on as the devil smiled.
Soul knelt on, prayed for the first time.
Wishing that he's the last devil's child.

By - Alkesh Nair

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