Poem : The Brave Dead Lion

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Behind the fort of my comfort
I said 'Sun will rise'.
While forest raged with fire,
I couldn't face the demon's eyes.

'Sun must rise, sun must rise'
I repeated lazily as the day grew.
My courtiers fed and quenched me.

A stupid lion roared at flames,
they danced to the music of air.
I chuckled and waited for the sun.

The sun rose and it was
Far behind the mountain.
I also saw a dead lion.

Then I saw. I had had all the power
Only I turned blind eye to faith.
Discarded as myth
When lion guarded my nights.

Harm was done.

I took oath and set to regrow
The burnt forest.
It grew too. A beautiful green beast.
Only my nights lacked the roar
Of the brave dead lion.

-by Khaja Arshad Jamal

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