Chapter 4~Burnt Toast

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~2D's POV~
I wake up in the studio with a blistering headache. "Mghh..." is all I can manage to mumble out. I can hear faint guitar coming from the sound room, which I assume to be Noodle practicing. As I try to get up, I stumble and fall into the chair across from the one I was just sitting on.
'It's warm... I wonder who was sitting here,' I wonder. I suddenly begin attempting to recollect what happened within the past few hours with no luck.
I shake my head as I realize I'm asking myself too many questions I'm not capable of answering. I lean back in the chair and rock back and fourth slowly, listening to Noodle play. The sound is vague, yet sweet.
"Love forever
Love is free
Let's turn forever
You and me"
After about ten minutes of just sitting and listening, I come to the realization that she's playing the same tune over and over again. Quickly after making this revelation, I grow tired of hearing the same thing over and over again and make my second attempt at getting up and out of the studio. Slowly, I manage to stand up and make my way to the door.
I make my way downstairs and head to the kitchen, where I'm greeted by the stench of Murdoc's alcohol and Russel's famous "ocean bacon," which is just bacon with excessive amounts of sea salt sprinkled in top. Russel is there, spreading some jam on a piece of burnt toast.
"Hey 'D I was starting to get worried about you. Where've you been?"
I look down at the ground as I think of a response. 'If I tell him I don't remember he'll take away my pain meds!'
"Oh, you know, just 'round the house." I shrug slightly.
Russel takes a bite of his toast, making a crunching noise I find abnormally obnoxious.
"Are you good? Need me to get you anything?" He says with his mouth full.
I politely smile and shake my head.
"Naw mate, I'm all good."
He looks me in the eye and smiles.
"Aight, But if you need anything, anything at all, I'm here."
"Fanks, Russ."
He pats my back gingerly and walks away holding the piece of toast in his mouth.
I make myself a cup of peppermint tea and walk over to the living room where I am greeted by a bitter looking pickle. I try walk past him to get to my chair on the opposite side. As I momentarily cover the tv while trying to pass through, Murdoc glares at me darkly. I expect him to jump out and shove me, but he doesn't. Instead, he moves his hand in a swatting motion, signifying he wants me out of the way. I comply and jump away from the tv. I mean literally, I jump. Murdoc's calmness worries me, I feel as if any wrong move may set him off. I  begin to feel my hands tremble as I realize he's staring me down, in a sort of way I've never seen him look at anyone before, intensely and full of emotion. A shiver runs down my spine as I feel a pain slowly enter my head, small at first, but it grows unbearable in a matter of seconds. I whimper and sigh as I sit in my chair and pop open the bottle of painkillers once again.

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