All the competitors were now moved from the gymnasium and were put into a large conference room. The ceiling was very high, the chairs were very soft and comfortable, the wooden table was very sturdy and painted black. All the students were seated, silent. They all still seemed to be stunned from the news that they had just received.
There was a variety of students ranging from people who were in their freshman year, to people who were in their senior year, which wasn't many. Megan recognized mostly all the students that were there. She was very good friends with most of them, some others she couldn't even stand. That even applied to people in her own team. She got along really well with Miguel, due to the long time they've been best friends. She got along with Yuliana and Freddy, but Riley was a different case.
Riley was a boy with brown here, pale skin, and bad at ethics. Megan really dislike him because the way he acted towards her and her friends. She thought of him as a really bad hypocrite. This was a problem because how could this team function if the teammates were dysfunctional with each other?
The room is very cold and it seemed that Megan was shivering, maybe out of her being cold, or maybe because of the nervousness. Suddenly a girl spoke up, and it was Alexis from the Vocal Music Strand.
"Why are they doing this?" Alexis asked. She looked terrified.
All the students looked among themselves and not a word was said.
"Because of the money." Megan replied. "How else could they fund the school-"
She was interrupted. The door opened and Principal Schell walked inside. She took a seat and had an expressionless face.
"Welcome, competitors! I'm so glad that you all decided to participate." Schell said with sarcasm.
"How is this going dow-" Freddy started to say, but was instantly interrupted by Principal Schell.
"Let me finish. This is all going to be done as easily as possible. The District will be sending you all to a very faraway place, and from there, the competition will begin. Very simple ,isn't it? She explained. there was a silence of agreement.
Megan's brain was rushing with thoughts. She kept thinking about her family, she kept thinking about her friends, she kept thinking about the life she would be leaving behind. Megan wishes that time would just stop completely. Her eyes almost started to tear up again, but halted them as soon as they started. She had to be strong.
Megan's current of thought was cut off when she saw Miguel's eyes looking into Megan's. For some odd reason, this brought comfort to Megan. This sensation of comfort brought Megan a sense of acceptance to her current situation. She never developed these types of emotions from Miguel, ever. Even after the longtime that they have known each other.
" Now, you all are advised to write a letter to your loved ones because from this point forward, you will not see them for a long time. You will see them after you come back from the competition. " Schell said. Every body had caught on to what she was trying to say. "Once you have finished writing your letter, you all are to go to your Strand rooms for the night. Make sure that you are well rested because tomorrow you will be transported to the competing grounds." Schell instructed. She exited the room.
Am the students looked down at their blank piece of paper that was placed in front of them and began writing. Megan's paper remained blank, she was still confused by what happened with Miguel. Megan didn't consider herself an affectionate person, but what happened to her in there? How could Miguel do so little to make Megan do so much?
As Megan walked back to the art studio by herself, she saw the big window and the huge moon that was floating in the night sky. It was as if everything in the outside world had stopped.
Meh, this chapter was pretty short but this introduces the internal conflict that Megan is facing. More chapters to come, but in the meantime, pay attention to the symbolism, motifs and themes. They are important.
(p.s. How do people "like" a story around this joint? is it just by giving it a "vote"?)
Anyways, I'll catch y'all on the flip side! :D
Acrylical Situation
Teen FictionA story about an artistic teenage girl trying to get an artistic teenage boy at a Fine Arts Academy! At least that was the plan, but Megan's life turns into mayhem when she is chosen to participate in the "Phantom Lottery".