Zavala x Reader: Mercury

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A/n: Hi. Your name is Orina Kyto in this btw. I always have to think of weird names b/c it's destiny and most named npcs have weird names.

 It was a chilly december day in the city. Most of the smaller children were throwing snowballs and building forts. But I had to go to work at the library.

  Most people despised the library. It was commonly known as the warlock hangout because of its massive tomes of knowledge and ancient artifacts. But that's my favorite place to go. Sure, i'd never get around to reading most of it, but the different stories and accounts of voyages sparked my imagination. There were so many tales from before the collapse. One about a "space race" and a "cold war". There was just so much. So, I cheerily stepped through the snow to get to the library.

  When I got to the library and opened the door, I saw none other than Ikora Rey sitting at one of the oak tables. The library was from before the collapse, and it's renovator wanted to keep the old world european charm in it; so we had original wood chairs and such.

  Anyways, I stood  at the entrance, shocked to see the famous warlock vanguard. My entire family had been a line of Warlocks; everyone except me. I'd hoped one day the traveler would bless me with it's light, but so far that's never happened. I was always told that i'd make a good warlock, but i'd never had the light to be one. Then Ikora snapped her head up and glanced at me. 

 "Hello." She said in a soft voice

"Hello vanguard of warlocks." I said calmly.

  Vanguard of warlocks?! What kind of person says that?? I wanted to cringe and disappear, but sadly I never had those talents either. Some citizens born of the parents that possessed the light, gained supernatural powers.( This is not canon btw it's something that i added for plot) But both my parents were warlocks and I still didn't get anything.

Ikora peered at me curiously.

"What is your name?"

"Orina Kyto."

"Well, Orina, is this your library?"

"Yes Miss. Rey-"

"You can call me Ikora."

"Okay, Ikora, I inherited this library from a long line of Warlocks in my family."

Ikora paused, and closed her eyes. When she opened them she said this:

"I do not sense the light in you."

"That is because I do not possess it." I sighed as I looked around. She looked at me, then the table, and then back at me.

"Leave your bag here and come with me."

I looked at her with uncertainty. 

"Why would you help a total stranger? All I do is work at a library." I said cautiously.

"I can see the good in you Orina Kyto. Now come with me, time is of the essence."

 So I dropped my bags behind the desk, and went with her. I locked up the library, and then proceeded to the wall.

 I'd never been to the wall before, but I remember when the cabal attacked. I shook my head, and those thoughts, away and proceeded to Ikora's wing of the wall.

 She moved some things on her desk and took a map from a bag.

"There is a lighthouse on Mercury ." She stated.

"There are ancient scrolls and tomes there, and I want you to go retrieve them."

"By myself?!" I exclaimed.

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