Chapter 6: Hippogriffs

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Chapter 6: Hippogriffs

Hermione and I were talking, well, I was more complaining, all because on why she forced me to take Care of Magical Creatures class. She said it would help me overcome my "fear" of animals. Psh, yeah right! Like that ever would stop them from attacking me! They attack me when I don't even do a thing! This is not going to go well at all. I just know that it won't.

Since it was Hagrid teaching us, I didn't even know what to expect. I just hoped that what we were going to do would be similar to that book that I managed to calm down. We had to walk towards a paddock but had nothing in there. We all just stood around it not really knowing what to do.

"Everyone gather 'round the fence here! That's it - make sure yeh can see - now, firs' thing yeh'll want ter do is open yer books -" Hagrid said.

"How?" I heard Draco ask in a sickening tone. Does he ever try to be optimistic for once? Seriously, he's always a grouch or some rude arse all the freaking time.


"How do we open our books?" Draco asked again. Seriously, has he not figured it out? I took mine out of my bag and it remained calm the entire time. Mine was the only one that wasn't harmed in any way like the rest of the class as they had strapped theirs to belts and rope and had them lodged into their bags sealed shut. The books don't like that. How am I the only one to figure this one out? Especially when I'm practically their food? Maybe it's different on books. Hmm, who knows?

"Hasn' - hasn' anyone bin able ter open their books?" Hagrid asked. I raised my hand weakly into the air shyly. Hermione looked at me like I've gone mad or something.

"I did, Hagrid." I said and he turned to me when I said that. He beamed into a bright grin.

"Ah, that's good! See, Aquila figured it out! Good girl!" Hagrid said as he patted my head. Everyone looked at me in shock, including Hermione. He then took my book from my hand and began to stroke it. "Yeh've got ter stroke 'em." He demonstrated for us.

"Oh, how silly we've all been! We should have stroked them! Why didn't we guess!" Draco sneered sarcastically. I glared at him. He better shut up before he gets injured.

"I - I thought they were funny," Hagrid said uncertain of himself. Great, Draco! Now you've made him feel bad.

"I liked them, Hagrid." I said in a whisper and he gave me a weak smile in return. I could tell he was sad by Draco's harsh words. Dang it, Draco! This is why we can't have nice things anymore!!

"Oh, tremendously funny! Really witty, giving us books that try and rip our hands off!" Draco said. I'm going to kill him. I'm seriously going to kill him. He has no right to insult a teacher like that, especially Hagrid.

"Shut up, Malfoy." Harry said. Oh, someone get me a broomstick because I'm going to whack him with it! Hagrid then went off to get the magical creatures and I felt a bit unsure of myself. I didn't want anything to kill me. Hagrid walked away and Draco started chatting up a storm.

Draco kept opening his big fat mouth. "God, this place is going to the dogs. That oaf teaching classes, my father'll have a fit when I tell him -"

"Shut up, Malfoy." Harry said again.

"Careful, Potter, there's a dementor behind you -"

"Oooooooh!" Someone said and I didn't know who it was. Then Hagrid came back with weird animals along side of him. Half of the animal looked like a horse and then the other half with the wings looked like an eagle.

"Hippogriffs! Beau'iful, aren't they?" Hagrid said. In a way, they kind if were. "So, if yeh wan' ter come a bit nearer -" Hermione grabbed me and forced me to walk towards the fence. And when I mean walk, I mean that she was practically dragging me closer to the fence while I was trying to pull away. It wasn't working very well with me as she ended up winning.

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