Chapter 3- Of coffee and excuses

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The lab was easy enough to clean, once I'd located a thick pair of gloves of course.

The glass went in the bin, the solution was diluted with water and the only thing to suffer any damage was the scrap of paper I had been scribbling compounds on, which teaches me to not be so illogical next time and just use a padd like everyone else.

"Heard about your interesting day." Uhura laughed from the doorway. I assumed her shift had ended long ago as I knew my own had but I was still sitting in the lab, working away at my calculations with a fever, clawing back time lost to the accident. There was no point to sit back when there was work to be done just because of some arbitrary time stampings, which was all our shifts were.
"Interesting for a sience lab yes, perhaps mundane for the bridge."
"We have our boring days too! Nothing happened today!" She protested, flicking her shiny dark hair. "I just sat and stared at the wall mostly."
"Perhaps I do prefer mathematics to bridge life."
"Ever thought about field work?"
"Perhaps one day, at the moment I'm just enjoying tinkering and seeing where it gets me. I'm not sure I'd be the best in a high pressure situation."
"I'd argue you'd be great, better than any of us." She said with a smile. "I mean, we can always count on you to be level headed."
"I suppose."
"It's getting late and I've been stuck on the absolute crack of dawn shift again, so see you tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow it is Uhura."

I couldn't get back into my calculations after that so I packed my things to the side neatly for the morning and headed back to my room.

It was an interesting little space. Bed at the back, half a wall separating the sleeping quarters from the living ones and a bathroom off to the side. I'd tried to make it my own as best as I could , my books lining the shelves -alphabetically ordered of course-, my pictures lined the walls -chronologically ordered of course- and my papers littered the desk.

I meditated, slept and rose early, making it to the lab perhaps a half hour before my shift was to start as I was eager to get back to the calculations with a fresh mind. Instead I found a human doctor swinging his legs on a stool gripping two mugs of something.

"I knew you'd be the kind to show up early." He laughed. "That is such a Vulcan thing."
"You appear to have me down to a tea."
"Speaking of, I brought you this."
"Coffee?" I questioned with what was almost a grimace. "Those beverages are very dehydrating and highly caffeinated. It'd be illogical to put that into my body."
"You're a Vulcan, it's not like you're running on much water are you? Your body is powered by green rocket fuel."
"Humour?" I questioned and he nodded with a grin and I raised my eyebrow. He seemed so invested in this conversation it would be polite to try and, pardon the pun, humour him. I pushed my lips into a fake smile and let out my best imitation of a laugh before allowing them to fall flat.
"Oh my god." He gawked as I reached for the cup of coffee he had previously offered and drank deeply before wrenching slightly in response. Brown sludge, that's what he was feeding me. "You just smiled and laughed."
"Yes."I nodded in affirmation. "It's the polite thing to do when a human makes a joke I'm told."
"But Vulcans never do that."
"We try not to feel emotion, it doesn't mean we can't imitate them to cater to a humans feelings." I responded, drumming my fingers on the ridge of the coffee mug while looking at him observantly, trying as casually as I could to read what little I could of the emotions the doctor was giving off. I hated being at a disadvantage in any form of conversation or interaction and if I knew the others thoughts and feelings I'd never would be. "Although, I've don't often bother to imitate any form of emotion."
"I feel like I've just seen you naked." He took a swig if his coffee at that, grinning and I resisted an urge to roll my eyes. How very human of him. Nudity wasn't anything special at all, he was a doctor he saw it daily however humans could be so primal, so base. Everything seemed to reveille around this for them. Again, I felt myself for some reason wanting to humour the doctor. Perhaps it was the crackle of nervousness that followed the comment or the clouds of earnestness he dragged in with him that made me so sympathetic to the man.

"Oh, no, no, no." I started, drinking deeply from the mug and resisting the urge to spit the beverage straight back into the cup. "That was probably much worse."
"I mean it wouldn't have been that bad I'm sure" he grinned and I just rolled my eyes.
"Although Vulcan society highly values modesty, emotions are punishable by death." I deapanned and be gaped, falling for it.
"What really?"
"No of course not." I shrugged. "You're very gullible."
"You're very strange."
"All the best people are though, aren't they doctor?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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