Extended Summary

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Ana Sanchez is you average teenage bad girl. Bad grades, talks back, and thinks she all that.....but those are just the walls she's built up to hide who she really is. Which is a kind and caring person. But that girl died when her father died, when her mom gets a job in America, it's goodbye Mexico and hello America. They settle in a small town called Angels Grove, where she has to learn English and make new friends. As she gets older she starts to act like a delinquent to get away from home and try to forget all of her happy memories. Of course there's her annoying little brother Miguel, who she absolutely loves, and her amazing mom Laticia, who tries her best to make her daughter happy

When Ana gets into a fight, it earns her weekend detention, along with Billy Cranston, who blew up his lunchbox, Kimberly Heart, who posted a picture, and Jason Scott, who stole a cow and put it in the boys locker room. Yep it's like a second home for her. Of course when they first meet, she acts like she's better then them. But hey who cares right. When she explores the mines to clear her head, she runs into, what she calls, a complete idiot, Zack Taylor. Of course, being the flirt he is, he tries to pick her up right away, and Ana finds it both intertaining and annoying.

When she's out one night at the mines she hears an explosion, curiosity gets the best of her, and she goes to explore. Of course, the one behind it was none other than Billy, along with Jason, Kimberly, Zack, and a girl that Ana knows as Trini, together they all find different stones, Ana's being white. As soon as they touch them, weird shit goes on. They become stronger and faster then any normal human. Together they search for answers, finding out that they are the Power Rangers, and they must fight off a threat who they come to know as Rita. Ana goes through this journey with her new friends, and grows closer with Zack along the way. And together they work to take down the green ranger, Rita and Glodzar. Join Ana on her crazy stupid adventure and learn more about her along the way.

The White Ranger

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