Chapter 7: Stories

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~  So I just wanted to say Happy New Year everyone! I've officialy had Wattpad for a year, we've had a hella of a run! ~

~  So I just wanted to say Happy New Year everyone! I've officialy had Wattpad for a year, we've had a hella of a run! ~

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We all walked outside, getting ready to go out separate ways.

"Hey, uh, I'm gonna stick around, I got wood and a lighter, you guys can stay if ya want." Zack said.

I smiled as I walked over and picked up my backpack and threw my benie on. I then placed my hand on his shoulder.

"My head hurts you asshole. But....I guess I'll stick round, got notin better to do."
Everyone agreed and we made a camp fire. And sat around laughing .

"How we are stuck in this wall, I will keep that jump." Zack said as we all laughed.

It felt nice to actually laugh. I smiled as I looked at Zack, I gave him a small smile and he returned one. Jason then walked up to us.

"What happened back there?" Zack asked as he walked up to Jason.

"Nothing, don't worry about it... Billy how'd you do it? How'd you morph?"

"I don't know." Jason sighed as he sat down.

What are you guys thinking about when we're trying to morph?" Jaosn asked. As Kimberly stood up.

"You must shed your mask to wear this armor." Kimberly said as he imitated Zordon, we all lauged, I then stood up.

"Think only of eachother and the morphing grid will open for you." I said as I imitated Zordon, everyone began to laugh again.

"Yeah, that's better." Zack said.

"Or maybe it's cause we don't know eachother, maybe that's why we can't morph." Zack said

"Okay." Jason said.

"No I'm serious, let's do this for real." Zack as he stood up.

"Hi, I'm Zack, and I'm a Power Ranger."

Trini, Kimberly and I laughed.

"Hi Zack." We all said.

He then looked down before deciding to speak again.

"Truth. I live in the Melody mobile home park. It's just me and my mom."

He stopped before smiling.

"And my mom? My mom is the best!"

He yelled, I smiled at him, he then sat down and looked at his feet.

"But my mom. She's sick. I do what I can...but I'm scared. Sometimes I get to scared to stay the night because I'm afraid I she can't make it. And if she goes...When she goes... I got nobody else."

I placed my hand on his knee while I gave him a reassuring smile. He sighed before he began to talk again.

"Look. I think being with you guys is good for me."

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