Chapter 3: What the hell!

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~ 3 weeks later ~

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~ 3 weeks later ~

3 weeks of detention, I'm already 3 weeks in and I want to die. I hate it there, it's so boaring, and my mom won't even look at me whenever I come home. I hate seeing her mad, but what can I do, and after meeting Zack, I've only seem him 2 other times after that. Recently our football team went down the drain, since Jason Scott, star quater back, snuck a cow into the boys locker room, and crashed his car, so he's off the team, on house arrest and has detention, staring today actually.

I sucks how one little mistake can ruin your entire career. Like Kimberly Heart, once popular and loved by all, that is until she knocked a guys tooth out and lost her best friends. She's been coming to detention since Monday. We don't really talk, but at times she'll stare at me as If she's trying to read me. I sighed as I walked through the halls, making my way to class, I'm trying to take school seriously, but it's just hard when I already suck at every subject. I walked over to Billy, feeling completely embarrassed that I'm even asking him for help.


He jumped back a bit, surprised that I was even talking to him.

"Uh hi."

"Okay, so your good at english and stuff right."

"Uh yeah why."

"Great so you'll help me."

"Uh well, I mean don't you speak english...or.."

"It's not my first language, I'm from Mexico."

"Oh really, I di-"

"Yeah nows not the time, so will you help me or not."

"Yeah sure, definitely."

"Okay at detention."

"Yeah okay."

"Don't forget Cranston."

I sat down and dozed off during class. The day went by pretty fast and here I was sitting next to Billy while he tried to explain poems.


I looked up to see Jason walking in. I smiled as I slowly clapped.

"Well If it isn't Jason Scott, welcome to your second home, also known as hell."

He just starred at me as I girnned.

"Shut it Sanchez!"

I turned to see 'the bully' of detention, I flipped him off but he countined to laugh, Billy was busy organizing his pencils, when the idiot purposely bumped into him making all of his pencils fall to the floor.

"I'm sorry, here let me help you."

He picked up Billy's pencil while Billy tries to get it, but he pulls away.

"Your a freak, you know that...I've been watching you play with these things for weeks. Are you crazy?"

"No." Billy mumbled, I gave him a death glare but he only smiled.

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