~The Mistletoe~ Daigo x reader

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"Hey!(y/n) come over here!" I heard Daigo, motioning for me to come with him.

"Hey Daigo! What's up?" I smiled.

"Valt and Shu said they want to talk to you" he said. "Come on then!" I said taking his hand. I blushed as I realized that me and Diago were holding hands. I let go of his hand as we approached the duo (shu & valt).

"You wanted to talk to me?" I asked. I saw shu smirk, he was the only one  who knew I have a crush on Daigo.  I sent him a 'shut up' look. I faced Valt waiting for an explanation or something.

"Oh right! Beigoma Academy is having a Christmas Dance today! The whole beyclub is going to be there! And I was wondering if you were coming?" Valt said.

"Yeah we were hoping if You wanted to come since the whole beyclub is going to be there" Shu said smirking. I rolled my eyes.

"Your coming right?" Daigo asked me.

"S-sure I guess...Why not?" I agreed.

"GREAT!!" Valt cheered giggling.

"I'll see you Both then" Shu said smirking. I blushed since Daigo was there and he might've heard that. Shu and Valt walked away leaving me and Daigo there alone.

"See you at the party?" Daigo said. I nodded as I started to walk away.

"Later!" I smiled.

//Le Time Skip//

"Hey guys when did you get here!?" I said smiling as I got inside the school. 

"Hey (y/n)" Daigo said as I saw a faint blush appear on his cheek. I also blushed seeing this and I could tell the guys noticed.

"H-hey Daigo" I smiled awkwardly.

"Hee hee..." I heard Valt giggle.

"Guys! Time for caroling!" Honcho yelled as he popped a candy cane into his mouth. We all came around the Christmas tree.

"Take a hand everyone!" Valt yelled. I blushed as I felt a familiar hand touch mine, I looked up to see Daigo holding my hand. While on my other hand Wakiya was holding it, smirking.

"Shu told me you like him~" Wakiya teased.

"Shut Up!" I said as I narrowed my eyes as to signal that Daigo was there. Everyone started to circle around the tree, holding hands. Everyone started to sing jingle bells!

"Oh Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to ride laughing all the way! Ho  Ho Ho!" We sang.

As we finished singing everyone let go cheering as they all hugged. Me and Daigo hugged each other. It took me a second to realize I was hugging Daigo. I blushed as I felt like an idiot for that.

"Sorry" me and Daigo said in fusion. I felt like someone was breathing above us. I looked up to see Valt and Honcho holding up a mistletoe above us. Daigo got startled as I sent Valt & honcho a 'I will kill you' glare, honcho smirked. Daigo saw me making a face, daigo's eyes widened as he saw the mistletoe between us.

"Who's under the mistletoe?~" honcho cooed.

I blushed so hard, I SWEAR I was so close into punching honcho.

"W-well there's no point to escape it now..." Daigo said blushing.

All of a sudden somone pushed me and daigo as we closed the gap between us. Daigo kissed me, his lips were so warm, I kissed back.

"(y/n)" Daigo said as we pulled apart.

"Y-yeah" I replied red roses flushed on my cheeks.

"Want to um...be mine?" he asked. My eyes lit up, as I hugged him.

"That a yes?" he asked. I nodded my head smiling.

"(Y/N)-AIGO!!" the guys yelled.

"CONGRATS!!" Valt cheered.

Me and daigo smiled awkwardly. "Thanks~" we said in fusion.

 "Thanks~" we said in fusion

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