Jealous!Shu x Reader

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"I need help!!" You whined, doing (Least favorite subject) homework was a daily struggle for you. You and the beyclub were all at your place. Even Shu, tagged along probably because you begged him to loosen up a little ever since he hurt his arm in the finals championship.

"I'll help you" Wakiya offered before Shu could come over to you. Shu glared at Wakiya, Wakiya knew he was making Shu jealous, he smirked as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. You only smiled awkwardly at wakiya's touch. Shu turned away from you two. You glanced over at Shu and you realized he looked a bit annoyed.

"So basically you lay out the parts of the pyramid, and then you find the area of each one of those shapes, sum it all up, and finally divide your answer by 1/2." Wakiya explained as he leaned in. You tucked a piece of hair behind your ear as you looked away.

"Thanks for helping me but, I still feel like I'm still going to fail tomorrow's math test!" you sighed looking down at your homework.

"I'd be happy for you to come over at my place and study" Wakiya offered. You looked at him, you were hesitating a bit to answer, Wakiya is your bestfriend...but nothing more. "I mean I want to pass this test...But..."

"I could help you, I'm always top of the class when it comes to math, trust me" Shu spoke up.

You smiled. "Well I mean you do look smarter than Wakiya" you snickered.

"WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?" Wakiya argued accusing you of your insult.

"I'm just stating the obvious" you replied knowing you got him flustered. You turned around to look at Shu, but... he wasn't there. You caught a glimpse of his white hair as you looked out in the window at the same time you heard the sound of a door closing.

"Guys I'm going to leave for a moment...I'll be right back" you said as you made your way to the door. "Wha....!??" Wakiya yelled confused behind you. You opened the door as you stepped outside taking in the essence of the outside breeze. You inhaled as you saw Shu sitting on the steps of your porch. You exhaled as you saw him turn his head slightly to look at you. You walked slowly next to him.

"Shu?" You asked. He whispered a small "what"  his back still facing you. "Are you okay? You went out of the house and it looks to me you were a little mad about something?"you said taking the spot next to him. Shu sighed his crimson eyes looking down at the floor.

"Oh yeah? What are you mad about?" you asked placing your hand on the porch floor.

"I not mad" he replied taking your hand. You blushed at the touch of his warm hand.

"I'm Jealous..."

"Jealous?" you asked blushing.

"Of you..." he said as he leaned in kissing your lips softly.

Shu kissed you deeply as if he never wanted to let go, he was really jealous and you could tell, the way he kissed you made you want to kiss him back...and you did. He smiled against your lips as he pulled away. You blushed, you didnt know if he liked it or not.

"I love you (Y/n)" he breathed out as he placed his forehead against yours looking into your (e/c) orbs.

"I love you too Shu" you smiled looking back into his red crimson eyes. 

Shu leaned in for another kiss, but was unfortunately interrupted when you both heard Valt's muffling on the glass window. The Beyclub sweat dropped knowing they had been caught looking at you and Shu. You glanced over at Wakiya.

"I planned this all along" he mouthed at you. You rolled your eyes.

Shu got up as he offered his hand to help you up, you took his hand as you stood up from the porch floor. He intertwined his hand with yours as you both headed for the front door.

"Be my girlfriend?" he asked as you were both walking, you blushed a little.

"Of course, Shu-Kun" you replied smiling at him, he chuckled as he kissed your cheek. He opened the door to your house, as soon as you both stepped in you were both greeted with smiles and congratulations.

"ALRIGHT! (Y/N) AND SHU!!" Valt cheered as he made a cute dance waving his arms around.

"What a beautiful couple!" Ker spoke up. "Be happy together!" Beus added.

"Well you both are lucky to have each other...!" Honcho cried of happiness for the two of you.

"So when will you meet her parents?" Daigo asked smirking. You laughed.

"My plan worked!" Wakiya smiled as he gave you a thumbs up.

You mouthed a 'thank you' to Wakiya as you hugged Shu. Shu hugged you back.

"Now! Who's hungry?" Shu asked.

"WE ARE!" everyone cheered. This was a perfect moment if you didn't say so yourself.





Wassup people!

I am very sorry that I haven't updated in a while....*sigh* please dont hate me!

I have been doing a lot lately...I've been stuck with my therapist *depression* and I am really sad right make it up to you I will try to update more.



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