Marinette has always had a crush on Adrien. And now, all of a sudden, a new trend has reached Paris: the Chapstick Challenge! Marinette feels terrible as she sees all these girls hanging onto Adriens arms, asking for the challenge. But one day, Adri...
Marinette and Alya were stood outside Adrien's room. He opened the door and Mari smiled. Alya sighed and slapped her forehead.
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"Thanks for dropping Mari off." He grabbed Mari's arm and slammed the door, locking it. He looked at her and said, "You look beautiful Mari. Though you might want to take off the lipstick." He smiled at her. Marinette just used her arm to wipe it off.
"Okay. You can go first." Mari said. Adrien stuck his hand inside the paper bag full of Chapsticks. He took one out. It was Chocolate Chip Cookie. Tikki woke up inside Mari's purse. She bit at the bag, trying to get out. Adrien applied it on his lips. Marinette came closer to Adrien. He could smell her sweet perfume. Then, they locked lips. Marinette thought the flavour tasted sweet, though she couldn't tell what it was. Then it hit her. "Chocolate Chip Cookies!" Tikki bit free of the purse and snatched the big Chapstick from Adrien's hand. The Chapstick was too heavy for Tikki and she dropped it, chewing through it. "What is that???" Adrien panicked. Marinette giggled nervously and stuttered, thinking of an answer, "Well, that, you see, it's my, uh, toy! Yeah, it flies whenever it hears the word Chocolate Chip Cookies!" Adrien frowned but then said, "Ok, whatever. Your turn!" Phew. Marinette grabbed Tikki who was still chewing the chapstick(ewwwwwwwwww) and shoved her inside her chewed purse. Marinette thrust her hand inside the bag and looked at the Chapstick: Camembert. Marinette groaned. She took off the lid and sniffed it. She gagged. It smelled revolting.
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Reluctantly, Marinette put it on her lips. It tasted bitter. Plagg was sleeping in Adrien's pocket. He smelled the camembert and he peeked outside Adrien's pocket. He went back to sleep, wanting to go outside, but there was another human there so he couldn't. Anyway, Adrien leant in and kissed Marinette. He pulled back and spat. Marinette felt hurt, afraid he'd rejected her, thought she was a bad kisser, but he said something, "Ugh, what flavour is this? It tastes disgusting." Marinette saw his face; it was priceless! His face was screwed up in disgust. "Hahahahahahahahaha! It was CAMEMBERT!" Adrien breathed a sigh of relief, glad that Plagg didn't come flying out. "Was that a kwami?" Adrien asked Mari. Marinette blushed. "No!"'Adrien looked suspicious but then put his hand into the paper bag. He took a Chapstick out and looked at the label: Watermelon Blast! Adrien smiled. He knew Marinette liked watermelon. He applied lots on. Marinette and Adrien kissed. Marinette tasted the lingering flavor on his lips. Marinette got the answer, "Watermelon!" Adrien nodded. He loved Marinette. This was not just a challenge, Adrien knew that. Okay, I'll be honest. Adrien invited Marinette to this challenge for a reason: he wanted to kiss her, and, he wanted to propose to her! Adrien coughed and said, "Marinette, I brought you round here for a reason," Marinette blinked, not understanding. "I love you Marinette! Oh yeah, could you close your eyes?" Marinette kissed him on his cheek and closed her eyes. Adrien closed the light switch to reveal darkness, and small red fairy lights. He scattered rose petals everywhere, and put on piano music. He went down on one knee and held a small box, opening it to reveal a small pearl ring. "You can open your eyes," Adrien grinned at her. Marinette gasped. She looked around and saw the fairy lights and rose petals. Then she turned to Adrien. "Will you marry me, Marinette?" She was speechless. She liked this, but she wasnt even going out with Adrien yet. She closed the box. "Adrien, I like you a lot, but we aren't even going out. I'm sorry but no." She walked out of the room, leaving Adrien in tears.