Marinette has always had a crush on Adrien. And now, all of a sudden, a new trend has reached Paris: the Chapstick Challenge! Marinette feels terrible as she sees all these girls hanging onto Adriens arms, asking for the challenge. But one day, Adri...
Adrien had decided he was going to run away from home. He was clever; he got three balloons and stuffed the first two down an empty hoodie. Under the hood, he placed a balloon. On top of the balloon, he took a handful of yellowy blond wool from a hat. He placed it carefully between the top of the balloon and the hoodie. He carefully took the whole thing and placed it on a chair behind a desk. He stuffed socks through the sleeves and then he put the head down on the desk. The sleeves were on the desk as well. Then he opened his window and climbed onto the roof. Adrien screwed his eyes shut and jumped. Thoughts raced his mind. Thoughts about Marinette. Her sweet perfume. Her silky hair. Her soft lips. Her big, blue, soulful, innocent eyes. He landed in his yard, eyes colourless. He didn't move at all. He was dead.
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