Marinette has always had a crush on Adrien. And now, all of a sudden, a new trend has reached Paris: the Chapstick Challenge! Marinette feels terrible as she sees all these girls hanging onto Adriens arms, asking for the challenge. But one day, Adri...
Adrien didn't go to school that morning. He told his father he'd caught the flu and locked himself in his room. He was in bed, looking at pictures of Marinette and eating ice cream. His room was trashed with tear soaked tissues and torn-up, scribbled photos of Marinette! "Marinette u know, you always were a PLAYER!!!!" His voice broke and new tears welled up in Adrien's eyes. His hands were shaking with anger, his eyes were red and tear stained, his teeth were biting his lips, taking out every trace of Marinette. He hated to think she had some fun with him then tossed him aside like he didn't have any feelings. "I'm a human, for God's sake!!!! Why don't you treat me like one???" Adrien yelled his head off. Nathalie heard the screaming and thought Adrien was in danger. She rushed over to his room and turned a key. The door was locked, but Nathalie had a spare key. She was shocked when she saw the state of his room. "Mr Agreste, please clear this up! I thought you said you had flu!" Usually, Adrien would start clearing up, but he said, "Shut the hell up!! You don't know what I've been through!!" Nathalie gasped at his behaviour, then she sighed. "It's about a girl, isn't it?? Don't lie to me, I saw the fairy lights and rose petals. I saw the ring in the box. I heard the music. I also saw that girl run out of the house, laughing." Adrien stopped crying and was suddenly curious. But before he could open his mouth, Nathalie said, "I know you proposed to her." Adrien groaned and nodded. Nathalie slapped her forehead and said, "You're too young for these girls. I know everything that you did yesterday. I have security cameras in your room! So don't go about kissing girls!!! " Nathalie was angry. "I'll be watching you very closely. " She turned on her heel and left. Adrien screamed, "WHY CAN'T I HAVE ANY BLOODY PRIVACY IN THIS HOUSE?!?!?!??!!????!!!!"
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