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Aspen POV

I'm boarding a plane, taking off, to fly for 12 hours. I'm going to Russia. I have my love by my side. My friend across from me. I'm on my way to a very important place. Sochi. I am dozing off when I suddenly hear someone sit down in front of me. My eyes flicker open. And I see the one and only Mason Oaki. (A/N pronounced Oo-a-Kee). I jump up and I am the first one in his arms. Carter jumps up after to pull both of us into a bear hug.

I start crying I think. I needed to see Mason. Just one time. He is holding a bag. 'Is he coming?' I think to myself.

"Buddy ya came." Carter says.

"Of course! Who in their right minds would miss seeing their best friends snowboarding in the Olympics?!" Mason says.

"I don't know." I say through tears.

I don't know why I am crying. I guess Mason is the closest person to Charlie. He was going to propose to her after the competition she met her downfall in. That's why he stayed by her bedside all the time because right when she wakes up he wanted to be there to pop the question. She never did wake up though.

I don't know if she ever will.

After we take off I am almost fall asleep instantly.

*12 hours later*

"Aspen, wake up." I hear Carter whisper in my ear.

My eyes fly open to find Mason sitting in front of me. I sigh, a sigh of relief to have the closest person to Charlie close to me. I get up as fast as I can, which is like 1 mile per hour. And get off the plane. When I get off the plane with Carter we are both immediately stormed with cameras.

As we trudge our way through the mayhem, I realize how incredibly hungry I am. I decide to wait till we get to the hotel to eat. Bad idea.

Little did I know that almost every nation decided it was a good idea to travel today! When we reached baggage claim it was filled with Germans, English, Spanish and two more nations I can't name. Luckily USA had our own claim.

Carter and I find our own bags pretty easily. We then take off to the athlete's village. After Carter and I make it to our room we find a little surprise waiting in there.

It's my brother. Justin.

"Surprise!" yells Justin.

"Justin what are you doing here? How did you even get in?" I ask in shock.

"Uh duh, there is a window! And I came to support you. I live in Russia, I mean how convenient it is that the Olympics are where I live!" Justin says.

"Justin, that is illegal! You can't sneak through a window into my room! You could have just waited for me at the front and I would have let you in." I say.

"Really you would have let me in?" Justin asks almost crying.

"Well no, I probably would have sent you back to you mental school you idiot!" I say furious.

"School ended. I successfully graduated!" Justin says excited.

"Wow I did not see that coming." I say.

"Yep! Mom did not see it coming either. She was actually in more shock then you are." Justin says.

"I can see why she is in shock." I say.

"Ya I have a hotel just down the street! I have to get back to my family. See you soon Aspen!" Justin yells as he jumps out the window.

"YOU HAVE A FAMILY?!" I yell at him.

"Ow!" Yells Justin as he hits the ground, ignoring my question.

"Is he okay?" Asks Carter.

"He'll be fine." I say back.

I start unpacking as Carter orders room service. When I successfully finish unpacking, I look over at Carter and he is already making is adorable pouty face to get me to unpack for him.

"Ugh, fine I will unpack for you." I say.

Carter's face lights up, "Okay! Thank you Aspen!"

"Whatever." I say back.

After a full hour of unpacking I finally have time to myself. So I decide to review footage of the best snowboarders in the world. After that I text Carter if he wanted to eat at the restaurant.

When I head out down to the restaurant Carter is already waiting for me.


"Have you heard anything about Charlie yet?" I ask.

"Ya. I talked with Mason on the plane and he said she is doing good. She has been making improvements on her breathing and how it has become more regular. Once her condition got so bad the hospital gave Mrs. Baitley the option to unplug Charlie. Of course she declined right away. Mason said he just needed to get away from the mayhem." Carter tells me.

"Ya understandable. I just wish she could be here skating and accomplishing her dream." I say with tears in my eyes.

"We all do Aspen. We all wish she was with us."

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