Dec. 11, 2016, 7:00 a.m.

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Dec.11, 2016, 7:00 a.m.,
I woke up from the noise of something crashing and breaking. "Guys wake up. Someone's here." Jason said in a whisper. We all got dressed. I looked out the window and saw a black van. Everyone started packing their things. We all put on our backpacks and headed for the door. "When we get off the elevator, start running, okay." Everyone nodded and I opened the door, the cashier guy was standing right there. "Surprise", he said and grinned. I smashed him into a wall and everyone started running. "New plan! Go for the stairs!" I yelled as we all ran down the hallway. I could hear his footsteps from the lobby behind us. 'Great, now it's a hit and run chase'. We jumped down most of the stairs and burst through the door. There was a bunch of guys in ski masks and suits. They got in their cars and started chasing us too. We headed for the bus stop and boarded the bus, we all went to the back and looked out the window.'There still chasing us. Why are they so determined to catch us? How much is the reward money anyway?' A few hours passed and the bus stopped, 'Oh no. Looks like we have to start running again.' Their cars were a little behind so we got a head start, we all got off the bus and ran for our lives. "Don't stop running!" I said while we headed for the mall parking lot. "What do they want from us anyway?" Valerie asked when we ran to a store in the mall. We hid in a clothes store closet. We saw the guys get out of there vans,'Oh great. Now they're splitting up. We have got to get out of here'. We all walked out of the closet slowly and made our way to the entrance. We saw two guys and they pointed at us, they started to approach us but we ran again. They started to chase us and they were talking on their radios, "targets are spotted. Requesting back up." We ran to an elevator and caught our breathe. "When those doors open, run with all the energy you have in you." I said. The doors opened and we ran to another store. They saw us and went into the store. We walked toward the store doors fast and ran down an escalator. We ran out the mall and ran to another bus, but we got caught by the cashier again. "You're not getting passed me this time," he said and grabbed Val's arm. "Valerie!" Jason yelled and went for her. We all got surrounded by guys and we saw Val get tied and up and shoved into a van. Jason got grabbed and so did Riley, then the same happened to me. We were all shoved into a van and we drove off. Our mouths and hands were tied with rope so we couldn't talk. We muffled our screams and Riley started to cry softly. We all went into a circle and laid back to back. 'We have to get out of here. But how?' I looked around the van and saw something glaring from the small crack of light through the side of the doors. 'Yes a knife!" I crawled toward the knife and kicked at it. It fell and stabbed through the floor. I put the rope on my hands and started to cut it. It snapped and I ripped the rope from around my mouth and untied the others. We all stood up and kicked at the doors. They burst open and wind instantly hit us and made us fall backward. I looked down at the road and saw how fast we were going, 'oh my. We're going like a million miles an hour. I've gotta find another way.' I looked around and noticed water.'That's it! We gotta get to the water.' The van turned and I signaled everyone to jump off the bridge. I took a deep breathe and we all jumped. Everyone screamed and held our breaths. We hit the water and I opened my eyes. I could see everyone and we swam to the surface. We crawled onto a rock and coughed. "Everyone okay?" I asked. "That was intense. That was so cool though!" Valerie said and I smiled. 'Good thing we still have our stuff. Now we need to get to shore.' I looked around and saw a bunch of people on a flat surface. 'There must be a beach or something over there.' We swam over to a surface full of rocks and we made our way to the beach. We sat down and went over the map. "So, if we're at this beach. We need to get over here." I said and pointed at a hotel a few miles from here. We went to the bathroom and changed into some dry clothes, then we walked to the hotel.

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