Dec. 10, 2016, 6:00 a.m.

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                Dec.10, 2016, 6:00 a.m.,
                  We got off the bus and rented out a hotel room. We got our room key and put our stuff away. "Let's get something to eat. I'm starving so I need to get something now." Valerie told everyone when we finished unpacking. "Yeah. I'm pretty hungry too. How about we have pizza or something?" I suggested. "I saw a restaurant a couple miles from here. We can eat there." Jason said.Everyone agreed to go to the restaurant Jason had suggested earlier. We all got dressed in something we wouldn't be noticed in as much. We grabbed our money and room key, then headed out. We got to the restaurant and got a table. We all got our food and started to eat. I glanced over at the door and saw the cashier from the grocery store earlier. "Guys. Look." I said nodding toward the doors. "He followed us?" Valerie said angrily. "He probably wanted an autograph from the mischief kids." Jason said. We all laughed and looked back at the cashier. "He must really want that reward money, huh?" I said. He looked over at us and we all looked down quickly. We kept eating and he walked over to our table and bent down, he looked around and examined all our faces. "You kids are coming with me," he whispered. "We don't have to go anywhere with you," Val yelled in a whisper. He just looked at her laughed, he grabbed Val's arm and dragged her from the table. "Hey!" everyone yelled and started to hit the man to release her. We all just kept screaming and pounding on him, "let her go!" we all screamed. "Excuse me sir," a worker said to the cashier guy. "Might I ask what you are doing with these children?" "He's trying to kidnap us for money!" Val yelled trying to get out of his grip. "I'm gonna have to ask you to leave sir." The worker pulled all of us behind her and the guy threw Val at her. "Fine, but this isn't over you kids." He glared at us and walked out the doors. The lady let us go back to eating and didn't say another word to us the rest of the time we were there. We all paid and walked out the front doors. We turned the corner to start heading back to our hotel. Then we suddenly stopped when Jason put his arm out. He nodded toward a figure leaning against the wall of the restaurant. It was the cashier again. He was on the phone and we were trying to listen to his conversation. "Yeah. They're all inside right now. Don't worry I'll get them soon. See you in a little while, boss," and he hung up. 'Boss? Since when did he work for someone? And why are they after us? Great, now I have to worry about more questions'. We all sprinted for our hotel and locked the door. "Well, that's just great. First, Val almost got kidnapped. Now we're all gonna get jumped by some fat cashier guy." Jason said pacing back and forth. "We just have to avoid him until we get to our destination on the map. Let's focus on this, then we'll worry about chubs later," I told everyone, "Now, let's all get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow and we obviously can't stay here anymore. He could've followed us from the bus stop from yesterday." Everyone got dressed for bed and layed down. I sat at the desk against the wall in our bedroom. 'Who is this guy. He's gonna ruin everything. We're never gonna get to our destination if he follows us everywhere we go', I turned and looked at everyone sleeping,' I won't let him get in the way. I won't let him hurt anyone either'. I drew out a map of all the possible points we can stop and rest at and made a map. 'We can do this. I need to find the answers'. I turned out the light and went to sleep. 'Tomorrow, we reach our point'.

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