Chapter 16

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****Cameron's POV*****

*In Nash, Kelsie, Chelsea, and Taylor's hotel room*

"Nash, Kelsie, I need your guys help." I say.

"With what Cameron?" Kelsie asked.

"Chelsea." I say.

"Good lord Cameron. She wants Taylor. Just get over it." Nash said.

"I can't Nash. I never will."

As soon as I said that, Chelsea walked in. But no Taylor.

"Where's Taylor?" Nash asked before I could.

If he left her all alone in a big city where she had never been before, I would kick his ass.

"He got cough up in a crowd of fan girls, before we even got to the mall. I just decided I would come back." Chelsea said.

"So, Taylor doesn't know you left?" I asked.

"Yeah, he does. I texted him after I walked away. But he hasn't texted back, so he's probably still with fans. Taking pictures and stuff." she said, "So, I'll just wait for him to text me back."

"Well, I'm going back to hang out with Carter and Matt." I say. That was a lie.

*****Taylor's POV****

I finally got a picture with all my fans. But then I couldn't find Chelsea anywhere. The phone started ringing, it was Cameron. What the hell did he want? I thought he was mad.

"Hey Cam."

"Where the fuck are you?"

"On the boardwalk. Why?"

"Do you know where Chelsea is?"

No, I'm looking for her."

"She's back at the hotel."

"Why would she leave?"

"Cause the fan girls annoyed her."

"I'll be there in a minute."

Why didn't she just say something to me? She acted fine with it. If she would have just said something I would have left them. I almost back to the hotel, and I see a man Cameron headed my way. Fuck.

"Why didn't you just see if she liked all the fans?" he said.

"She looked fine with it. If she would have said something I would have left them."

"Sore you would have Taylor. We all know you care about the fame more than anything."

"I care about Chelsea. I could care less about this fame."

*****Chelsea's POV****

"Chelsea, there you are. If you would have just said something I would have left the fan girls." Taylor said, walking into the room.

How did he know I was mad about that? Cameron, he didn't leave to go hang out with Matt and Carter. He went to find Taylor.

"I didn't want to be rude to your fans. I don't want them to hate me. They're like a army of girls.

"You can take me from them. They would understand."

"What did he tell you?" I ask.



"Nothing. Why?" he says.

"Cause he lied."

"About what?" Taylor asked.

"He said he was going to hang out with Carter and Matthew. But it looks like he went to find you." I say.

"He only lied about where he was going because he wanted to protect you." Taylor said.

"What do mean by, 'he wanted to protect me'?"

"To him, you are his. And he is gong to make sure no one hurts or uses you. And he's never going to stop doing that. Even if you aren't his."

Why would he want to do that? the way he talked early, he hated me for picking Taylor. He acted like I had ripped his heart out and cut it in two.

"What? You look worried. Taylor said, breaking into my thoughts.

"Um.. I'm just trying to figure out why he would do that for me."

"Cause you mean a lot to him."

"Okay, I just don't know why all of a sudden he acts like he cares. Early he said he pretty much hated me and called me a whore."

"A what?" Taylor asked.

Oh god. I wasn't gonna tell him. Chelsea how could you be so stupid?

"Just forget it Taylor. He was mad." I said turning around. But it was too late. Taylor was gone and then I heard the door close.

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