Chapter 18

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******Chelsea's POV*****

Last night had been horrible. So much drama all because I chose to go with Taylor. Like come on this ain't grade six.

"Good morning babe." I heard Taylor say.

"Good morning Taylor."

"So, what's the plans for today?" he asked.

"I thought about asking Cameron if he wanted out with me today. I just want to make sure thing are okay between us, and that it won't get awkward."

I could tell he didn't like that idea. But at this point I really didn't care.

"May I ask why? I wanted to spend today with you since we really didn't get to spend any time together yesterday."

"I know. We can hang out later today. I want to make sure everything's okay with him and I."

But babe, he said he wasn't mad at either one of us."

"I know what he said. But Taylor I just don't believe him."

"Why not?"

"Because it not like him to just brush me off like he did yesterday."

"Okay, you can go but promise me that you will be back before the days over so we can hang out on the beach some."

"Okay. I promise." I say. "I'm going to go ask Cameron what he thinks."

****Cameron's POV*****

I heard a knock on the door and was surprised to see Chelsea standing in the door way. She was still in he pajamas with her hair in a messy bun with no makeup on. She was beautiful. It took every muscle in my body bit to pull her in this room. Why did she have to do this to me? Only god knows what I want to do to her.

"Hey." she said.

"Hi. Sorta surprised to see you here." I said.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because of yesterday I guess."

"No, I forgot it all. So I was wondering if you wanted to hangout today?" she asked, twisting a stand of her hair on her finger, she was nervous. She only done that when she was nervous. That made me feel a litter better about my self.

"Did Taylor do something?" I ask.

"No. I just want us to be friends. I hate knowing that you could possible hate me. Cameron you are like my brother and I want thing to be okay between us."

And she friend zoned me. Ouch that hurt. Just when she was giving me hope, I got friend zoned again. Exactly why I don't have a girlfriend always getting friend zoned. Forever and always.

"We are friends Chelsea. I don't hate you. And I never will. But if you're willing to hangout with me and no Taylor. I'm up for that." I said with a laugh so she knew I was joking.


"What time do I need to be ready?" I asked.

"Can you be ready in a hour?"

"Yeah. I'll meet you at your room. Is that okay?" I ask.

"Yes. Why wouldn't it be?" she asked.


"He already said he was fine with us hanging out today. And his say so on you coming to the room doesn't matter to me. We're all friends here." she said.

God her standing here ranting about He not caring what Taylor thought didn't matter. Only made her hotter.

"Well you better go get ready before you are in my bed. Oh god. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say that."

"It's okay." she said doing that thing with her hair again.

"So are you saying that you would like to be in my bed?" I said. But she just walked away. "You didn't say no." I screamed out.

Had I really just said that? God I couldn't wait for today with her. And the no Taylor only made it better. It also gave him time to do something to mess this up. Which I really likes the idea of.

*At Chelsea's hotel room*

*****Taylor's POV*****

I wasn't so sure about this whole

Chelsea and Cameron thing today. I wanted her here with me. Not Cameron. It's not that I don't trust her, I just don't trust him. As she walked out if the bathroom, my mouth dropped. She had on a neon pink sundress, and her lips matched the dress. Which I thought was amazing. And it's also amazing that those lips are all mine. But she got this pretty for Cameron, not me. That mad me mad.

"You look smoking today." I said.


"I can't wait for you to be back. I miss you already and you haven't even left. Why can't I just go too?"

"How many times am I gonna have to tell you?" she said.

"Until you let me go." I said sounding like a love sick puppy.

"I'm not letting you go." She said then someone knocked on the door.

I'll get it." I said. I knew it was Cameron. There was no one else it could be. Everyone was at the beach.

"Hey Cam." I said.

"Hey Taylor. Chelsea ready yet?"

"Yeah. She putting her shoes on. Just a second."

"I'm ready to go. Bye Taylor." she said as I kissed her. Yep that was sure to make him jealous.

(T-Taylor, C-Cameron)

T- Shes taken. Keep the hands off.

C- I know. I didn't plan on trying anything Taylor.

T-Just making sure.

C-Try not to mess things up today. I know how tempted you are to pick random sluts up on the beach.

T-I won't.

He really had to say that didn't he. Like what the hell? He was the one out with my girlfriend.


"So what are we doing today?" I ask.

"It doesn't matter to me. Taylor just wants me back before three so we can hang out."

"Of course he does."

"Cameron, what's bothering you?"


"You can't lie to me Cam. Someone or something is."

"It's Taylor." I said.

"What? Why?" she asked looking very confused.

"He had everything I ever wanted." I said, " And that's you Chelsea. It always has been ever since I knocked you down in the hall at school that day. Instead of doing something today can we just go back to the hotel room and chill? Everyone's on the beach anyway."

"Sure." she said then turned back for the hotel..

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