Chapter 6

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***Chelsea's pov***

It was 5:30am and my alarm was going off. I didn't want to get up because I was up all night watching Cameron and Nash's vines and YouTube videos. I wasn't going to treat Cameron any different today. I wanted to get to know the real Cameron not the famous Cameron.

I curled my hair, slipped in my Miss Me pants, young and reckless shirt, and my vans. I walked out side to get in the car, but mom wasn't here. It was Cameron.

"Get in, I'm taking you to school." He said.

"I think I'll just ride with my mom."

"Nope, you're riding with me Chelsea." He said.

"But people will think and say stuff when we get out of the car together." I said.

"So, let them think. I would be glad that people would be thinking we are a couple."

"A couple?" I asked.

"Yeah, I would like to be more than friends one day. Not right now because we just met. But one day," he said "so get in the car or we're gonna be late."

"Well okay then."

On the way to school, I just sat there letting that conversation reply in head. Cameron Dallas, the boy with 3.4 million followers on Vine, just told me that one day he wanted there to be a "us"! Cameron freaking Dallas wanted to be with me. Why me?? What was so special about me that Cameron couldn't have in any other girl?

I decided to break the silence in the car by asking, "So, Cameron what is it about me that you want for us to be more than friends?"

"I liked the fact that you didn't know I was famous, you wanted to hang out with me for me, not the fame. Every other girl in this school wanted the fame. Kelsie likes Nash for Nash, I want someone to love me for Cameron not Magcon." he replied. While pulling into the school parking-lot.

***Cameron's pov***

"Well were at school, so lets get out and see what people think!" I said.

"Okay! Lets go then!"

Nash and Kelsie were standing there waiting on us. Nash just started laughing, and I wanted to kill him.

"Hey Chelsea." Kelsie said.

"Hey Kelsie."

"So Cameron come over here for a minute and let the girls talk for a while." Nash said.

"What's up Nash?" I asked.

"So, are you and Chelsea an item or nahh?"

"Nahh, well not yet but I did tell her I wanted to be more than friends someday." I replied.

"Someday? Cameron do you fucking realize that someday could mean 40 years from now? She isn't going to wait for you to make your move Cameron. You need to do it soon or never." Nash said.

"I know Nash, you don't have to preach it to me. I understand."

"Oh, and Cameron, I asked Bart if the girls could go to Magcon and he agreed, so the girls are going to San Diego with us next week. So that means you have to tell Chelsea now. I'm telling Kelsie after school, so if want to join us and tell Chelsea then you can."

"Okay, I'll tell her when you tell Kelsie then." I replied.

"Alright see you later." Nash replied while walking away.

"Alright. Text me when and where."

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