chapter 11

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What? Do we know each other? I am stunned. He answers "from the pub from Ruiszser". Are you one of the men who harassed me there? I raised my tone and turned my head a little to see that no one could see, "No, you do not understand, I'm the one who protected you!" He shut his mouth quickly, "Oh, that's you, wait a minute, where do you know the name of? And I forgot to say thank you for protecting me even though I'm a big girl and can manage alone." He laughed loudly. If I was not there, the situation might be worse He came over to me with a worried face, but why does he worry about me? Who are you? Where do you know me from, and why are you here? are you chasing me or something?if you don't answer me I will scream here and everyone will hear me? What do you want from me?

Answer me? He looks down and returns right back to my eyes" Melisandra Please let me explain I'm not chasing you Maybe I'm but I have no bad intentions and started to hesitate and I opened my mouth I wanted to scream for help "No Melisandra You have to listen to me, my name is DamianI'm your guardian sent me to protect you, you must believe me! we have to talk, not in a public place of course, but you must believe me! "he replies with pleading eyes "Get out of here!" I shouted "Get out of here if not, I call for security,

No Melisadra please, he touches his forehead confused and begins to tell me I know your past," I know your biological parents I know you've been looking for them for years? he puts his hands on mine I look at him and I get dizzy And my heart is beating fast What? Are you a kind of crazy person? I do not want to hear what you have to say I call for security, the security people came before I shouted to them to come, and I think the whole office heard me shouting Everyone looked at us arguing, the guards took him away from me, I try to escape to my office and he yells "Your father is Michael he is the one who brought you to your father Daniel in the straw cradle !

I turn to him, stunned, what? I quickly stop myself and walk up to him, so he will not tell any more information that the whole office will not start asking me any questions. I come up to him and tell the security guys to let him go "Thank you, I'll manage." They looked at me like I was mentally ill or something. "I push the door of the building, pulling Damian out and holding his hand tightly, and his arm is so muscular, Oh God, is he practicing? What's happening to me? I have much more important things in my head. I pull him into the alley so that no one will see who is the madwoman pushing men into the alley, lucky no one noticed. Pushing it against the wall and asking Okay what's going on?

where did you come from? Puts my hands on my face and takes them down frustrated and curls my hair from all the stress I want answers now! He looks at me apprehensively, and says, "Okay from the start, no, you have 10 minutes and I go back to the office to work and understand!" Ok, I understand your name is Melisandra Rose and again my name is Damien Cooper I've been sent to protect you since you were little since they gave you Johnson family from Israel I was there with your father Michael He gave you to your adoptive father, Daniel That night in London I was with him I know it sounds strange to you But your father is a king And that means you're a princess "I start grinning and look at him confused What? He hesitates and says, "We are not from this world!" I know it sounds ridiculous, but I have no other choice, but something bad and dark is chasing you

He holds my hands tightly and I take them down. "do not touch me!" raising my voice and the tears begin to fall. "I'm just here to tell you the truth You do not belong to this world You belong to where I came from". The Kingdom of the White Rose, you are the Princess of the White Rose The White Rose Like my dream? I say to myself of course. I start crying and laughing together. You're crazy! I do not want to hear it enough, I've had enough and I'm starting to walk away from him."Melanie, please you must hear me out! He says in a frustrated voice. I turn to him quietly wiping tears from my eyes, but I do not understand what attracts me to this madness? am I beginning to believe him?

 I turn to him quietly wiping tears from my eyes, but I do not understand what attracts me to this madness? am I beginning to believe him?

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It's crazy like I'm in a dream. Maybe I need to pinch myself, but I start to see his worried face as if he's telling me the truth. I come over and put my hands together and say I'm just sending a message to my boss that I've taken a long break. I'll just write him that I have female problems he always confirms.

 "Ok you can go on, I'll hear all the way, you have? Another 5 minutes." You "give me 5 minutes for a 24-year story? "Yes, you have 5 minutes.

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