chapter 16

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John! What are you doing here? Where do you know each other?"

Damien, What's going on here? Explain to me"

Melanie Do not believe him"

I do not know who to believe anymore? Both of you are willing to explain what is going on here"

John bursts out and says "you see him, Simon sent him to kill you and he is one of his guards

I'm confused what?"

John, how do you know Damien?"

What are you two hiding from me?"

I am the one who was sent to guard you against this deceitful manipulator"

It's not true, it's not true Melanie! John is lying Damien says, I've been keeping an eye on her" since she was born to this day and I kept you from Simon and his guards"

And where were you John? You were hiding and did not say a word. You know we were sent to" protect her, you got lost and you know who she is. We have a mission and the mission is to protect her."

Damien, you do not know what you did to help her"

What exactly did you do when two guards were sent to kill her? Maybe you're the one who's" collaborating with Simon?"

Melanie is a liar Do not believe him I'll explain everything We do not have time now"

And puts three drops of the potion on the rose quickly

Ok, I've heard enough. I do not want to hear any more of these stories and inventions. You two" are liars, I think I have to get out of here. It's all one big hallucination

"I do not believe a word from what you're saying right now, maybe you're the ones who were sent to kill me!

I walk away from them quickly and hear them yell.

Melanie stop!"

I stop and turn around with an angry look, they need to leave me alone, what they want now? I can not believe what I see?, the black smoke is coming again, And this is not a dream This time it's real... I look sideways and gasp where to run? No, it's not happening Now?

"!Damien and John run after me And they say "run!

I run down the path of the roses and turn my face to see that the smoke is not coming, but it's just behind what I'm doing

.The smoke envelops me, I shout Ahhh! Something grabs me, I feel dizzy and close my eyes

When I open my eyes I'm covered with a warm blanket I feel a little dizzy, and touch my scalp. This bed is not mine Where am I? And look around, I get up slowly out of bed and I see that I'm in a cabin, a strange little place and there's no one here, I'm trying to find a clue where I am, but all I find are books of strange spells and potions,

When I find a book called Prophecy I open the cover of the book and I hear a door open

I put the book down, I go to see who's coming in. I was looking for something to protect myself and found a small a piece of wood on the shelves, it looked like something useful, Oh God, who's coming in here I'm so scared. I take a slow step toward him

Then I see an old man with a white beard and a white robe,well, He looked like Gandalf, He looked at me with a surprised look, and he says
"my dear "Melnisandra, you wake up!"

" What are you doing out of bed?" I look at him strangely "who are you?" what am I doing here?

I am Elhanan the Prophet, I am the one who brought you to my hut

Ah! Are you the prophet that Damien talked about? Yes, my child! I told him to bring you back here! What do you mean, where am I? You're in the White Rose Kingdom


Am I not in London anymore?" How did I get here?"

I'm the one who pulled you out of the black" smoke, and you lost the precious consciousness" You're safe in my cabin and do not worry Simon will not touch you here"

How can I know that you are the prophet, rather than Simon?"

Who are Damien and John?"

and I can't believe that John' the one I saw as afriend , I'm furious that he lied to me for many" years

I do not know what to do anymore. I'm exhausted"

Come on, sit down, dear, I'll tell you who Damien and John are, your father Michael's guards"

I slowly, lower the piece of wood in my hand

They practice from a young age and keep loyalty to our kingdom, I understand why you do not" trust them. John is quieter and introverted and Damien is a bit more aggressive in his own way


So are you willing to explain to me why they both blame each other for betraying one another" "and keeping faith with Simon and everything looks like one big play? "They have a mission to protect you from Simon since you were little, They do not get along They never get along, Unfortunately, so they suspect each other, their intention is good, and it is only to protect you since Simon sits in the throne, you can not tell who is a traitor and remain loyal to your father Michael"

Well, what about the prophecy of the rose? And why am I connected to this whole thing?"

There are prophets in the kingdom. I am a prophet who receives prophecies from roses, there" are prophets who accept prophecies from animals, and there are prophets who have prophecies from people, such as mediums, as on earth where you came from"

And how can I trust you that you are telling the truth and not a lie? I have been faithful to your" father for more than twenty years. I am the one who came and told him about prophecy and that you should be protected in a better place and that a day will come and you will return to save the kingdom."

I roll my eyes" Do you know how many times I've heard about it? I need proof that says it's true

Or, wait? Says Elhanan I have something here to show you that I am telling the truth"

I'll look among my potions" here "ah! Here he is, I found him".

Elhanan brought a strange jar with a strange rose with red stains, He takes the rose from the jar and says" I want you to touch the rose, He'll tell you what I saw Perhaps it will prove to you once and for all where you belong!

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