Chapter 6

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As we all sat with jasmine tea cups in front of us, I began jabbering like a Hyena.

"What I mean is, this world is actually a video game! And in the video game, Malistaire is an evil teacher whose wife dies, so he tries to take over the Spirals magic so he can bring her back."

As I said this, Jacobus stood there with his mouth wide open.

"Well. That's interesting..."

I threw my hands in front of me.

"You've gotta listen to me. I know every part of this game. Sure, I don't know how to cast spells and stuff, but I know what I'm talking about. His wife's name is Sylvia Drake, right?"

After I said that, Brice got up, with his little "I'm bored" face and looked me in the eye.


He looked like the guy who'd mug you!

"Yes. It is."


"Why are you always so serious? Can't you relax?"

Brice looked at me, opened his mouth, aaaaaand....

Let out a sigh, and walked upstairs.


"I can prove it! His brother is Cyrus Drake."

Jacobus, Brice, Jasmine, Paige, Savannah, and Princess Xena all started staring at me, as I stood there grinning with my chin up, arms crossed.

"Wow." said Jacobus. "I guess she's not kidding.

"The death classroom disappears after a while, but I don't know when. All I know is that he attacks Golem Tower. Then there's like fifteen bad guys and then you finally defeat him."

"So he's... evil?"

Jacobus muttered, trying not to let Brice hear.

"No he's not." Brice said quietly, pounding his fist on the table.

We all stared at Brice.

"Yes he is. Is Sylvia Drake still alive?"

Brice pounded his fist harder on the table, and said louder, "No he's not!"

This time, I was stuck looking into his deep brown eyes.

"You wouldn't know what it's like! I bet you a thousand people that he only meant to save her!" He screamed.

  I couldn't say anything. I was still staring.

He walked away, fists balled up.

  "Dang." I said, "he's mad."

  Savannah and Paige immediately stood up, hands on their mouths, gasping for air.

  "Oh my goodness..." Paige whispered.

  On Brice's chair, there were curls of ivory.

  "He was going to use THAT?" Paige yelled.

  Everybody stood silent at the table, looking at Brice's chair as I explained why Malistaire became evil.

  "You go through this whole journey and you find Malistaire and defeat him."

  Jake nodded his head. "Okay so he gets teed off and throws his classroom somewhere, got it." he said. "But in the video game, who teaches death magic?"

  "A boy... I can't remember his name. I think it's Malorn something."

 Jake stoped and stood up. "Malorn? He's like, the dumbest kid in school!" he chuckeled. Jasmine started laughing as well. They could obviously tell that I had no idea because they wouldn't tell you someone was dumb in a video game. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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