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Do you all have any requests for me? I am empty on Request for this book.

This book is only for CAPTAIN SWAN! So request for them only.

Please make them original ideas and if I didnt do a request you asked in the past it was either I didnt know how or I didnt really like it.

So please Request some ideas.


Also if you requested on one of the previous chapters request it again if you want me to write it. Im just posting this because I want more Request on this book.

One more thing...

I do not like to write Truth or Dares or High School type one shots. So do NOT request them. I wont do them. I also do NOT write AU. I also dont write parts durning Episodes or after episodes. I just write scenes that you wish would happen in the show.

Another note if you want smut or fluff please dont not just say Smut or Fluff. It needs to be like a small description of what you want to see.

Ps Right now I really dont feel like writing Smut so please dont request any right now. Maybe next time.

Now this time you can request of these Christmas Prompts. They wont be posted until after Christmas, but please start Requesting. Leave the number and or numbers you want and how you would like it in the comments below. Thanks now here are the Prompts.

Christmas Prompts

1)"Yeah, uh, alcohol doesn't go in hot chocolate."
2)"FINE. You can put the topper on the tree."
3)"Awwww look at my little elf."
4)"You can be Santa's helper."
5)"How did you manage to the burn the cookies?"
6)"You're covered in flour."
7)"My gingerbread house is prettier than yours."
8)"If you throw a snowball at my face so help me."
9)"Open your present!"
10)"Why is there mistletoe everywhere?"
11)"Aren't you afraid of setting the house on fire with all the lights?"
12)"Are you trying to find your present?"
13)"We're kind of tangled in lights."
14)"So, we're kind of snowed in."
15)"Don't make me pour my hot chocolate over your head."
16)"You didn't think I'd let you spend Christmas alone, did you?"
17)"I told you you were going to get sick if you stayed in the snow all day."
18)"Does that stocking have my name?"

If your request does not follow my rules you will not get the request.

Okay request away and comment the number or numbers below. Thanks.

Okay Request CS stories that go off the rules. Thanks.

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