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Requested by @Ouat4life22

Emma's POV

It was April First and a joke that I pulled on Killian went alittle to far

"So let me get this straight you did what?" My mom asks.

"Well I told him that I thought that we made a mistake by getting married and that I would be happier with someone who was a pirate." I tell her.

"Emma thats horrible and thats coming from me." Regina says.

"You know I dont think that joke was funny at all." Zelena says.

"Yeah mom did you at least say April fools?" Henry asks.

"Yeah, but he doesnt quite understand what that means." I say.

"Well I guess good luck finding another love." My dad says walking in.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I just saw Killian at his ship when I went to explain what you did. A woman was leaving and I think it was a wench back in the Enchanted Forest." He says.

I didnt know how to respond and then Killian walked in. I walked over to me and handed my his wedding ring and then just walked away. Everyone just looked at me and I got up and ran after him.

"Killian! Killian! Wait!" I yell.

"You made your point Swan. You dont love me. I have to go." He says.

"No stay dont go I was just joking. Killian please dont go." I say practically crying.

As I was on my knees in front of him he just started laughing as I was crying.

"See Swan... These jokes arnt funny." He says.

"So there was no woman on your ship and you still want to me married to me?" I question standing up.

"Your the only woman for me. I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say and kiss him.

I placed the wedding ring back on hid finger. Everyone in this town should know that this pirate is taken.

"Oh and Swan there was a woman on my ship." Killian says.

"You better be joking or I'll kill you." I say.

"It was Belle and she came up with this plan." He says

"Wow who knew Belle had a dark side." I say just before kissing my pirate once again.

Request Closed.

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