I woke up to a screaming Brooke. "WHY ARE YOU YELLING?!" I yelled at Brooke. She stopped yelling and looked over. "Because it's 10 in the morning and you didn't wake up!!" Brooke said getting out of bed. "No reason to yell!" I said getting out of bed to the bathroom. Brooke chuckled and went to get clothes and gave me some too.
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Gray on the right, Brooke on the left.
I walk down stairs to get some breakfast and coffee for Brooke and I. Brooke came running down the stairs throwing her phone at a wall. "Woah! You okay?" I said walking up to her. "No! My boyfriend cheated on me!" Brooke said tearing up. "Oh man, it's okay. Here eat some pancakes." I said giving her a plate of pancakes and coffee. She took it and sat down at the table and ate.
An hour passed and we were done eating, Brooke's mom came by and said we are leaving for school stuff in 5 minutes and a new phone for Brooke cause her phone broke pretty bad. We went outside and got in the car. I turned up the music and we all dance and sang.
(Skipping the shopping)
We got back to the house and pack everything up for school tomorrow. I got rose gold stuff and Brooke got gold and sliver stuff. We put everything by the door tomorrow. Yes Brooke was staying another night, she wanted too. Brooke opened her new phone and did everything she had too. I sat down next to her and watch TV.
Hours passed and I heard the door bell. I didn't feel like getting it so Brooke did.
Brooke's POV
Gray didn't feel like getting the door so I got up and opened the door to a teen-aged boy. "Um Hi?" I said confused. "Hey is Brooke here?" He asked. "Um, that's me. Why?" I asked walking outside and shutting the door. "You're new here right?" He asked. I took some time thinking, looking at his brown eyes, brown hair, on how tall he is. "Um hello?" He said snapping out of my thoughts. "Sorry, but yea I'm new." I said looking down. "Well I'm Jonah and I'm late to school but I'll show you around school." Jonah said smiling. I nodded and waved bye. I walk back in to be faced with Gray.
Gray's POV
"Who was that?" I said winking at Brooke. "Jonah he said he is showing me around school tomorrow." Brooke said. I frowned. "What about me? You're leaving me?" I said walking away. "No. You are coming with me." Brooke said, I walked up to her and hug her.
The day passed by very fast. We didn't really do anything. We ate, talked, danced, TV, games. Then it was night time. I took a shower upstairs and Brooke took one downstairs. Than we jumped in bed and fell asleep.