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Brooke's POV

(After school cuz im lazy)

Jonah toke me home once again, but this time he brought Daniel with. I got in the front while Daniel got in the back. "So you're Brooke Jonah has been talking about?" Daniel said, as I turn to Jonah blushing. "Really? Jonah you talk about me?" I asked Jonah. Jonah stops at the stop light and looks at me, than Daniel. "1. Daniel shut up and 2. Yes Brooke I do. I'll tell you in private." Jonah says starting to drive. I turn to the window and chuckle.

At Brookes house

I get out of the car and walk to my front door and open it allowing Jonah and Daniel come in. I place my stuff by the door, walk to my room and pull out my phone to text Gray.


B- You doing okay?

G- Yea feeling better.

B- That's good, wanna come over Daniels here all alone!

G- Where are you and Jonah?

B- He needs to talk to me alone so pleaseeee?!

G- Fine I'll be over in 5 :)

End of messages

Gray's POV

I got out of bed and put on nicer clothes.

I grabbed my phone charger and walked out of the house

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I grabbed my phone charger and walked out of the house.

I reach Brookes door and ring the bell. I hear many footsteps running towards the door. I laugh as Daniel and Jonah are on the ground and Brooke and standing at the door with her arms open. I smile and hug her tight. "I missed you." Brooke said. "I missed you too." I said smiling. We let go and I hug Jonah than Daniel the longest. "Awe love birds!" Jonah said taking a picture. "Send that to me." Daniel said taking my hand leading me to the couch. Jonah nods while Brooke and him run upstairs to her room.

Daniel and I were talking, laughing, smiling, and cuddling until we heard a scream sounding like, "AHHHH YESSSS" Daniel and I looked at each other and walked upstairs to ease drop. 

Brookes POV

Jonah and I ran up stairs to my room and sat on my bed. "Okay, I wanted to tell you.. Brooke I like you a lot, and you are so beautiful and amazing, I know we haven't been on a date yet, but I just can't wait for the date to do this." Jonah got down on one knee and pulled out a box. I started crying now. "Brooke Bailey Smith, will you be my girlfriend?" Jonah asked opening the box revealing a Crystal ring with a heart on it. "Oh. My. God. Jonah.. AHHHH YESSSS!!" I yelled hugging him tight. He hugged back and put the ring on me. I cried and hug him again. "When you screamed it sounded like something bad." Jonah said winking at me. "Ew noooo." I said pulling away. "Lets go downstairs." Jonah said smiling.

Grays POV

We didn't know what was happening but it was quiet. "Do you think they did what I think they did?" I asked Daniel. "I really don't know Gray.." Daniel said putting his ear up to the door. As I was putting my ear up the door, it opens. Daniel and I fall to the ground acting like we were sleeping. "Guys we know your fake sleeping." Brooke said rolling her eyes. Brooke and Jonah stepped over us and walked to the kitchen. Daniel and I decided to let the screaming behind and walk with them.

We walked down and saw Brooke on the counter and Jonah standing between her legs. I smiled and walked the the couch to turn on a movie with Daniel following. "You think they are together?" Daniel asked. "Yea, but they look cute." I said getting a movie started and cuddling uo with Daniel.

Brookes POV

Jonah and I walked downstairs to the kitchen. I was looking food food since my mom left for a meeting in Washington. As I was looking for food I feel myself being brought up onto the counter top. I see Jonah standing in between my legs. "Hey babygirl." Jonah said smiling. "Hey handsome." I said back. Jonah put a hang on my waist and one on my thigh. I wrapped up arms around his neck and we just stared at each other. "You staying over?" I asked Jonah. "If you want me too." Jonah said pulling away. I looked down as he pulled away. Jonah chuckled and walked back over to me and kissed my forehead.

As we were heading to bed. I see Gray on Daniel sleeping. I smile and take a picture. Jonah and I head upstairs to my room and I go to the bathroom to change while e does in my room. I walk out and see him shirtless. I walk up behind him and hug him. He turns around and sees that I'm wearing a black sports bra with black joggers. He smiles and picks me up while I wrap my legs around his waist. Jonah puts me in bed and gets in too. We cuddle up while I put my head on his bare chest and touch his chest. He smiles and kisses my head to say goodnight. Than I fell asleep.  


Back! Sorry I have been busyyyyy. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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