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Gray's POV

Today is the day I meet my best friend Brooke! I get up from bed and get in the shower then change clothes.

When I'm done I grab some food and watch Riverdale season 2

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When I'm done I grab some food and watch Riverdale season 2.

As I finish I hear my door ring. I get up and look through the peek hole and see Brooke. I open the door and jump on her and hug her. "AHHH BROOKE!!" I yelled making the neighborhood walk outside to see what's happening. "Hey!!" Brooke said getting up to have a real hug. "Lets catch up, come inside." I said walking in.

We talked for hours and hours. It was great seeing my best friend.  "Okay guess what." Brooke grabbing a water bottle. "What?" I said sitting on the table. "Well I'm moving next door!" As Brooke said that I froze and my mouth drop. "REALLY?" I yelled. "YES!" Brooke yelled. We jumped around and planned her room.

I heard a knock on my door. Hm I didn't invite anyone over. I look through the peek hole and see Brookes mom. I opened the door and smile. "Hey, do you need Brooke?" I asked. "Um, yeah, she needs to come with me to the school. Aren't you starting Public school too?" Brooke's mom asked. "Yea, but I don't have a parent to take me there. My parents travel." I said moving to the side to let Mrs. Smith in. "Want me to take you and sign you up?" She asked when Brooke came out of the bathroom. "Omg! That would be amazing! Thank you so much!" I said hugging her. "What's going on out here?" Brooke said looking confused. "Your mom is taking you to the school to sign you and me up!" I said hugging Brooke. "YAY!!" Brooke yelled once again.

I grabbed some stuff and my key. I locked the door and got in the car with Brooke and her mom. We are jamming out to music and dancing the whole way to the school. To be honest I was really happy.

(Skipping the school stuff cause that's to much and I'm lazy.)

We got in the car and grabbed some food at In and Out. Brooke and I got a burger. We were listening to music again and eating and recording it on snap-chat. "Mom can I say at Gray's house tonight?" Brooke asked turning the music down. "Hm, sure but you start school in two days so tomorrow we will go shopping." Mrs. Smith said. I was happy.

We pulled up to Brooke's house and went inside to pack up some stuff. Brooke grabbed a bag and filled the bag to the rim. It looked like she was staying more than one night. "Why so much?!" I asked looking at the bag. "Shhhh I have a plan." Brooke said laughing grabbing her stuff in the bathroom. I sat on here bed going through my phone deleting apps. Brooke walks out of her bathroom with another bag. "Omg! Brooke!" I said looking at her in shock. "I do that all the time, don't worry." She said grabbing her stuff walking downstairs to her mom. "Bye mom love you!" She said kissing her cheek. Then we walked out of the house to mine.

At Gray's house

As we walked in, we went upstairs to my room. Brooke put her stuff down and looked for an empty draw. I laughed and opened the only empty one. "Thanks, now gimme my clothes bag." Brooke said. I grabbed her bag and put it next to her. "What are you gonna do?" I asked sitting on my bed opening my laptop. "Unpacking just in case I stay overnight with no clothes." She said unpacking her clothes. "Honestly that's a good idea." I said looking at her. "Right!" She said.

After Brooke was unpacking

As she was done, we went downstairs and baked a cake, but of course it turned into a disaster. We started throwing eggs and flour at each other and dancing and screaming. Then we heard the door bell ring. We stop and sneak to the door like spy's. We laughed so hard when we got to the door. I opened the door and see a boy that looks my age. We stop laughing and look at the boy. "Wow you guys are a mess, but um can you please keep it down. My family and I are trying to sleep." The boy said. "Oh, um." I tried to speak but I couldn't. He stared at me with his blue eyes and now I was just staring. "Okay, we're sorry, we didn't know what time it was so we will keep it down." Brooke said finally. "Okay thanks." He said walking away. "Dude! Stop drooling!" Brooke said. "Sorry! He was hot!" I said looking down. "Ha It's fine. Lets clean and go to bed since we didn't even make a cake!" Brooke said cleaning up the kitchen. I laughed and helped her clean.

After cleaning we took a shower. (NOT TOGETHER) I took a shower first while she was texting someone on the phone. Than she went in the shower.

We both wore the same thing and we didn't know that would happen

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We both wore the same thing and we didn't know that would happen. We laughed and jumped into bed. Once my head hit the pillow I fell in to deep sleep mode.


Whatssss upppppp!!! How did you like this one! I sure did like it! It was funny. Hope you guys liked it. Vote if you want more!!

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