I wake up to my alarm going off, that means school. I got out of bed and went over to Brookes side. Wow. She is still sleeping. I touch her lightly but she didn't wake up. Then I pushed her off the bed and she woke up yelling. "AHH WHAT" Brooke yelled. "SCHOOL TIME." I yelled back. Brooke got up and went to brush her teeth. "You gonna eat?" I asked. Brooke shook her head no and kept doing what she was doing.I went downstairs and made myself food.
After I ate I went up stairs and changed.
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I walk downstairs to see Brooke on her phone ready to go.
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We grabbed our bags and went out the door and waited for Brookes mom. Brookes mom would take us to school but sometimes she would make us walk. Brookes mom pulled in the driveway and we got in the car and sat in silence the whole way there.
At school
When we arrived I saw so many people, I got so scared. Brooke and I got out and went to the office for our classes. When we got our classes, Brooke and I didn't have all the same classes. Only some. We were sad but it's life, right? We walk out of the office and class didn't start yet. Guess we were early. Brooke saw Jonah and waved. Jonah started walking over here and Brooke walked toward him while I followed. "Hey, you here." Jonah said pulling Brooke into a hug. "Why wouldn't I be." Brooke said hugging back. I stayed back and stood there. "Who is this?"Jonah asked looking at me. I looked up and put out my hand for him to shake it. "I'm Gray. Gray Anderson." I said. "Well I'm Jonah. Jonah Marais." He said shaking my hand. He looked back at Brooke and said, "Want me to show you guys classes?" Brooke nodded her head while Jonah took her paper. "Aye we have all the same classes. So just follow me." Jonah said taking my paper. "We have only one class and that's 1st. So let's show you the rest." Jonah said walking to all my classes.
Time skip to lunch
It was time for lunch so Brooke and I are going to sit with Jonah and his friends. As we walk in the lunch room Jonah waved at Brooke and I. We walked over and sat down. I pulled out my food but Brooke didn't. "Hey, where's your food?" I asked Brooke. "I'm not hungry." Brooke said looking away. I didn't know what was up with her. We all were talking until the blue eyed boy walked up and patted Jonahs back. "Oh hey." He said to me. "Hey, I'm Gray." I said continuing talking to Brooke. "Well I'm Daniel." He said smiling and started talking to Jonah.
After school
It was time to go home but I couldn't find Brooke and her mom wasn't here. I found Daniel and went up to him. "Hey do you know where Brooke is?" I asked. "Um I don't know, Last time I saw her she was talking to Jonah." He said. I nodded and just walked home.
Brookes POV
It was after school and I was putting my stuff away. Jonah came up to me and pulled out his keys. "Need a ride?" He asked. "I'm suppose to go walk his Gray home." I said putting my bag on. "Text her and tell her I'm taking you home." He said walking to the door. "Okay, I will I guess." I said pulling out my phone. I texted her and put my phone away. Jonah and I walked to his car and I put away stuff in the back sit. "Where do you live?" Jonah asked starting the car. "2 blocks down this road." I said looking out the window. Jonah nodded. After 2 minutes I felt something on my leg. I look down to see Jonahs hand. I smile and I put my hand on his. Then of course he smoothly holds my hand. I laugh and hold it back.
Jonah parked the car and got out with me. "What are you doing?" I asked going up to Jonah. "Giving you a see you later hug." Jonah said coming up to me. "Awe okay." I said giving him a hug. The hug lasted a while. "Can I get your number?" Jonah added. I pulled out my phone and handed it to him. After a minute he gave it back. "Now I don't wanna leave." He said pulling me into another hug. I laughed. "Jonah we will see each other tomorrow!" I said looking up at him. "True." He said kissing my forehead. I smiled and waved bye.
Grays POV
As I'm walking down to my house I hear someone calling my name. I turn around to see Daniel. I smile and waved. He ran over to me. "Hey need a ride?" He asked. I nodded and got in his car and told him where my house is.
As we pull up I see there is a car in Brookes drive way that's not her mom's car. "Aye Jonah was there." Daniel said. I looked at him confused. "What?" I said. Daniel looked at me. "I don't know why his there. I'll talk to him about it." He said. I got out of the car and so did Daniel. He gave me a hug and his number. I walked in my house and did my homework and went off to bed without texting Brooke.