I hear my alarm go off, I turn it off and decide not to go to school. I texted Brooke. Even tho I was mad she was my ride.
G- Hey I'm not going to school, I don't feel good.
B- Okay, Love you. Hope you feel better.
End of messages
I left her on read and went to bed.
Brooke's POV
I woke up by Gray texting me saying she doesn't feel good. I texted Jonah and asked him if he can pick me up. He said alright and will be here soon. I ran downstairs to my mom and told her I'm getting a ride and told her that Grey isn't going to school. She nodded. I ran up stairs and changed.
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I changed and did my make up, than grabbed my sunglasses. I heard a honk outside and ran downstairs to kiss my mom bye.
I walked outside and waved to Jonah. I got in the car. "Well hello there beautiful." Jonah said as I blushed. "Hey there handsome. Why did you pick me up early?" I asked him as he pulling out the drive way. "Well I'm hungry for Fries." He said. I smiled and went on my phone.
As I was on my phone. I look up to see we are at In and Out. "Want anything?" Jonah asked facing me. I looked at the menu. "Hm 2 double cheese burgers, with, hm chicken tenders and some ice cream." I said pulling out my card. Jonah looked at me shocked. "What? I'm hungry!" I said laughing. Jonah pulled up to the window and went to reach for his card but I gave the person my card before him. "Hey! I wanted to pay!" Jonah said giving me back my card with the recent. I laughed as his drove to the next window to get the food.
Jonah's POV
I grabbed the bags of food and put them in the back seat. "Why did you put them there?" Brooke asked laughing. I loved her laugh and everything about her. I parked and looked at her. "Why did you park?" Brooke asked looking at me. I just looked at her and didn't say anything. "Jonah stop staring and drive to school." She said. I chucked and grabbed my fries, I started the car and Brooke tried grabbing one, until I slapped her hand. "Ow!" Brooke yelled. "My food." I said putting another in my mouth. Brooke looked away. "I'll give you one unless you let me take you on a date." I said handing her a fry. She grabbed the fry and ate it. "Okay I will go on a date with you." She said kissing my cheek. I smiled and put my hand on her thigh. She didn't seem to mind it.