Ch. 24- Aunt Starfire

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Ch. 24- Aunt Starfire 


I made it to the battlefield not long afterwards. Dragons were everywhere, firing onto the ships below. It was obvious who was going to win.

A few ships would catch a rider and a dragon, but another pair would quickly save them before they destroyed the ship together.

I relaxed. Gothi and a couple other were taking the few injured we had to her hit to treat.

The worse part was how I easily recognized the ship's flags. It was Shark again. He'd come back.

I spotted Toothless and dad on the command ship, talking to Shark. I dove to the left, taking out a ship as quietly as possible while wondering if I should make myself known to my parents. Other villagers had seen me, and I was on a Night Fury, so it's not like I could hide forever. Not blending in really wasn't helping me.

Oh well, I took out the ship beside the command ship loudly, letting Emerald make her famous Night Fury scream.

"Starfire?" dad called in disbelief, still on the boat. Shark smirked and said something to him. I was too far away to hear.

Bard flew in beside me. "What-?" He had to pause. We separated as a net flew in between us before coming back together. "What are you doing here? I told you to stay!"

"And I didn't listen! I'm not helpless, Bard. I can fight, and I have Emerald. I'll be-" Emerald spiked up to dodge a catapult before leveling out, "fine."

"Whatever. Just stay on my tail and cover me."

"No way! Emerald should be in the front!" I argued.

"Relax, we'll switch after Spikestone is out." I nodded, knowing a Deadly Nadder had more than just their magnesium blast for defense.

Together, we destroyed over two dozen ships, constantly switching places. Mom eventually spotted us and gave us a quick scolding but didn't make us leave. She approved of our way of fighting and staying together.

"Keep protecting each other," mom told us.

"Will do, mom," Bard comforted.

"Where's your dad?" She looked below at the ships, but we could no longer see him.

I shrugged. "I don't know. Last time I saw him, he was on the command ship with Shark."

"Shark. Bard, keep your sister away from him. She is who he wants, and we're not giving her to them."

"I know, mom."

"Stay safe, I'm going to find your father."

"Okay, mom!" we chorused before returning to the tiring battlefield.

It was another hour before we mis-timed our attacks and had both dragons out of plasma/ magnesium blasts. We gain altitude before safely landing on Berk for food and fish.

"They're getting closer," I observed with worry, seeing the boats almost at our docks.

Bard stood behind me, resting his hand on my shoulder. "You'll be fine, Star. No one will let anything ever happen to you. I promise."

I leaned into his side, taking another bite of my sandwich. "I know, Bard. Thank you."

We quickly finished our meal and returned to the battlefield. Some vikings had taken breaks like us, others were still going, like mom and dad.

"I haven't seen mom or dad in a while," Bard noted.

"Me either. Should we go look for them?"

"Yeah, let's go." He dove down, sinking another ship before returning. We circled the battlefield that kept shrinking and growing. More ships entered our waters, making this battle seem like it would never end.

"Starfire!" a gruff, dark, but familiar voice called.

From a ship slightly behind and to our right, both Bard and I looked back.


"Dad!" we shouted simultaneously.


"Mom!" we called for our parents, then glanced at each other. Same time, opposite parents. We dove towards the command boat that strangely no one took the time to destroy. We landed on the boat, where we both foolishly jumped off our dragons without surveillance.

Dad, who now knew we had both disobeyed orders and snuck into the fight, had a worried look in his eyes. Toothless, for like the first time ever, was not nearby him. He fought against the ropes around his ankles, wrists, and mouth. His eyes darted to something behind us.

Bard and I both caught his hint and whipped around, weapons out (well, my weapon was the old shield dad made when he was fifteen, but still). Two warriors towered us in both height and build, but with a few nicely timed moves, they dropped to the ground, unconscious. Our parents didn't raise helpless brats.

Maybe slightly annoying and obnoxious ones, but not helpless.

Once said threats were taken care of, we turned back to our parents. Mom was in the same state dad was in, but she had had a more dangerous look in her eye. Kinda like a mommy dragon or wolf with her hatchlings. Basically, you get away as quickly as you can and don't dare to hurt them. If she wasn't my mom, I'd be terrified.

"Shark," Bard and I stated in unison. Without looking at each other for our out of character behavior, we went along with it. After all, it made us sound slightly more dangerous and- let's face it- so much cooler than a couple of skinny kids looked.

Sadly, Shark didn't seem phased. "Beautiful Starfire," he said instead. He took a step closer, but Bard stood in his way, pushing me slightly back, ruining the mood I was going for and keeping it all for himself.

"Stay away from her." He luckily managed a threatening tone, and stopped Shark in his tracks.

"No. She will be mine."

"Why are you so interested in my sister?" Bard questioned. "You've been attacking us for years, and why? To take her in as your own daughter."

"Didn't your father ever tell you two who you were named after?"

We glanced at each other and nodded. We heard more about Aunt Starfire more than Uncle Bard, but we had seen Uncle Bard more than Aunt Starfire (obviously since she died before mom and dad even got together).

"Didn't he tell you I'm your Uncle Bard's cousin?" We both looked at each other, again, then glanced at dad before returning our attention to Shark. "Chief of Sapphire Island! I knew his sister before she even knew who she was."

(In case you haven't read How To Find Your Family) This was no news to us. We both knew Aunt Starfire had been lost at sea for about ten years before finding her way back home. She found our Uncle Bard along the way. He didn't stay with her for long though, for they met up with his aunt and uncle along the way, but they kept in contact until she died.

Still . . .

"So?" I asked. "Did you hate her or something?"

"No! I loved her!"

Mom and dad froze, as did Bard and I. Seems like nobody suspected that.

"She's dead," I finally managed.

He stomped his foot like a child. "I know that, but look just like her! Just younger."

"No, I look like my father," I corrected.

"Aunt Starfire and dad were siblings, Star, it's not too far a stretch to assume they looked alike. You could look like both," Bard reasoned in a soft whisper.

I knew he was right, but could only think to tell him, "Shut up."

"You should have been my child!" Shark jumped (in the conversation).

"No, I'm my parents' child. Aunt Starfire died long before I was born."

"But our child could've been just like you. Our child would've been you. You should've been ours. Mine! And I will have you, no matter what. NOW!"


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