Chapter 25

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Its been over a year since Sean and I have been dating. Last week we celebrated our one year anniversary and it was absolutely the best. We went out to celebrate with friends and then finished our celebration back at home. Chrissy have become so attached to me that she's even been spending some weekends with me and my parents. Even Lexi had gotten a chance to meet her and thought she was the sweetest ever which was a surprise since I didn't even know Lexi liked kids much. A couple months ago we celebrated her birthday with a little party and to my surprise instead of asking one of her school friends to cut the cake with her she asked me. Aliyah now was still being a brat, even more so now that she turned fifteen and was attending highschool. She still try to be smart and rude at times when talking to me but not as much as before when she thought I was going to probably run away from my relationship with her dad. The night when she threw that party, the first time Sean asked me to watched them for the weekend and she saw that I could be bitchy as well she didn't test me much after that. Of course she continued being cold but she mostly tried to avoid me and only talked to me whenever it was desperately needed of her.

Sean had been asking me to move in with him, even gave me my own key but I was still to get back to him with my answer. Moving in with him seems like a big step to me and I was somewhat hesitant about moving away from my parents, I was always like a big baby- so attached to them. I had to talk with Kim to hear her thoughts.

"Seriously Morgan, you're being silly right now. Why do you need more than a week to think about whether or not you want to move in with the man that you love?" Kim said to me as we were having lunch together.

"Kim its not being silly, I just think moving in together is a huge step" I responded.

"Its not like he's asking you to marry him and you're not sure how to answer because you're worried things won't work out and because its a huge commitment. Its just moving in for Christ sake, if things don't work out you can always move back home" Kim said to me "Look at me for example, Cory asked me to move in even before we've been dating a year. I didn't think twice before I gave him an answer. I still have like half of my belongings back at my parents house so that in case things don't work out between us, I can always head back home. Besides, you and Sean is like the power couple. You're both so in love with each other and Sean is like the most humble person I've ever met. There is just no way the two of you wouldn't get along"

"Kim, there's another thing. Cory lived alone so now its just the two of you living together. Sean on the other hand has two kids" I said to her "And Chrissalice isn't an issue but how do I deal with Aliyah?"

"You deal with her like you always do. You only talk to her if necessary or you have to but as usual if she is being a brat you just ignore her" Kim responded "If you and Sean love each other that much then I'll work out"

"I'm going to miss living with my parents though"

"So you switch it up every once in a while. You send this week with Sean then you spend another week or the weekend at your parents. Morgan its not that hard, you're not moving out of town with him you'll only be like 15 minutes away from them. Besides you're the one who always talks about how weird it is being an adult and still living with your parents, here's your chance to experience living away from them and with your awesome boyfriend" Kim said to me "Now I suggest you think faster before you give Sean the impression that you're having second thoughts about being with him and that's the reason why you're taking so long to give him a concrete response"


"I still can't believe you're moving in with that guy" Dad said to me as I gathered some of my stuff putting them in the living room.

"Dad" I said in a warning tone "I thought you were over me dating Sean now. I thought you two were getting along so much now"

"He is honey don't mind him, he's just sad that you're leaving us now" Mom said to me with that smile that I know usually precede tears.

"Mom come on. You guys need to stop this. I'm not leaving you, I'll just not be here as much as you used to but I'll only be fifteen minutes away from here" I said to them "I'm going to be stopping by quite often when I have the time and I'll be here some weekends. So you guys will be fine, now could you both please stop making me feel guilty about moving out. I'm supposed to be excited about this yet somehow you two are just making me want to unpack my stuff and bring them back to my room. I won't even be gone technically because if you go into my room you'll see that I still left a lot of my stuff in there"

"Alright, alright. Your mom and I will try to be happy for you" Dad said to me.

"Try?" I gave him a look of disbelief.

"We are happy for you sweetie" Mom smiled at me "Dont mine your dad. We hope you'll be happy living with Sean"

"Thank you mom and Dad" I smiled at them "I really hope so too"

"And you better visit as promised or else I'll be coming over to kick that doctor's ass and move you back him" Dad said to me though I could see he was only joking.

"Dad, don't worry. You won't even remember that I don't live here anymore"

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