Chapter 29

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Not edited.

"Is everything alright between you and Sean dear?" Mom asked me as she watched me scooped some fruits into the blender.

"Yeah, everything is fine with us. Why?" I asked as I put the cover on top.

"Not to sound like we don't want you here anymore or anything but your dad and I have noticed that you practically moved back in."

"Now you definitely sound like you don't want me here anymore." I let out a chuckle.

"Everything is fine with Sean and I mom. We just think that maybe a little space will make us closer you know. Like the saying, 'absence makes the heart fonder'. That's what we're doing." I said to her before turning on the blender.

"Oh, I was wondering if there may be trouble in paradise." Mom said as I finished blending the fruits.

"No, not really. Paradise is still sweet but I just need some time off from Aliyah." I told her as I strained the juice into a jug.

"Is she still giving you a hard time?"

"She's driving me nuts mom. I don't know what to do. I try everything but still, she just hates my guts." I responded.

"All you have to do now is just stop trying. Just ignore her. Maybe with time she'll eventually come around. I mean you can't force someone to like you or get along with you if they don't want to." Mom said to me.

"Don't I know it." I sighed.  "But it's not just the fact that she hates me, I really think she's trying to break up Sean and I."

"Well that's not good at all. Are you sure about it?" Mom asked.

"I've never been more sure of anything else in my life like this." I responded. "She's doing everything in her power to cause arguments between Sean and I."

"Have you talked to Sean about it?"

"Yeah, I did. We sort of had a fight last weekend and I told him everything. I know he plans to talk to her but I just still think that it was better if I just came home for a while."

"See, I knew something was up." Mom said to me.

"I don't know what to do mom. With the way things are going, I just feel like breaking up with Sean."

"What? Why would you do that?" Mom asked incredulously.

"Mom, I love Sean and I really don't want to because it would break his heart. And Chrissy... I don't know if she would be able to cope right now if I just disappear out of her life. But I don't want to come between a man and his daughter."

"Look, Morgan. Relationships aren't always easy. At times they come with a couple obstacles but you can't just give up and throw away your love like that." Mom advised. "Just give it time. Try to stick around a while longer and fight for what you want."

"Remind me why I'm with you in a pharmacy again." Kim said to me.

"You're helping me find an alternative to those birth control pills that I stopped taking." What said to her.

"Morgan not to sound like a pessimist or anything but I don't think there is an alternative that I can help you find right now." She said to me.

"There must be something else I can try. I've crossed four different kinds of pills off my list already. There must be one that actually works perfectly alright for me."

"I don't get it. Your boyfriend is a doctor, he is the best person to suggest a vast amount of other contraceptives, why don't you talk to him?" K said to me.

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