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This is the final chapter on Sean and Morgan's love life. Hope you guys like it. ( Not edited)
It was an extremely busy day today. I think planning a birthday party for a 5 year old would be a piece of cake, how wrong I was. This was like one of the biggest events that I ever had to organise. Instead of being a high school teacher, maybe I should have become an event planner because I seem to be doing that alot these days.

I also wanted to kill Sean right now. It was his fault that I have to be going all the way to organise a superhero theme party for a bossy five year old.
Sean spoiled our son Junior way to much. Because of him, Junior was growing up to be a spoiled kid who thinks that he can demand anything and it'll be delivered to him instantly. That was Sean's fault, he was always giving Junior everything he says he wants no matter how huge it was. I've tried to get him to understand that he needs to learn how to say no to Sean, because if he continue to spoil him like that, if one day he is unable to give him what he demands, then it's going to be hell for him.

It was Junior's 5th birthday, and to celebrate this birthday he decided that he wanted a superhero themed party. This meant that all the decorations, balloons, cake, plates, cup and practically everything had to have a superhero on them. Not only does the the decorations had to have superheroes on them, but he also wanted all his friends to be dressed in superhero costumes and different superhero mascots. I had to mention this to the parents before and those who didn't already have superhero costumes from Halloween, I helped in organising costumes for them. I did this because it was impossible to expect
that these parents are supposed to find the money to purchase a costume that the kid would probably never wear again. Money didn't grow on trees, I knew that but my five year old doesn't and frankly I don't think he understands that as yet or care.

When Junior told us what kind of party he wanted, I of course being the rational one tried to get him to understand that maybe some of the things he was demanding was a bit too much, but Sean shushed me and told him that we could do it. It's not like I didn't want to give our son what he wanted or a great birthday party, I just wanted him to know that not everything that he says he wants, he's going to get, but Sean obviously doesn't get that. He spoiled Aliyah and Chrissy the same way growing up but I think he was going a little overboard with Junior. Aliyah was now a twenty year old diva princess, who still thinks the world revolves around her- thanks to Sean. Chrissy was twelve years old and slowly turning into a diva princess as well even though she was still sweet and Sean Junior was becoming a bossy kid who also thinks the world revolves around him just as his eldest sister. Sean had officially spoiled our kids beyond the normal and then eveytime something came up in which the kids are involved, I was usually the one who have to take care of it or pick up the pieces. Like this party, Sean encouraged me to go ahead and have the party but on the day, he is no where to be found. Sean went to work, while I had to stay home and organised everything by myself.

By the time everything was set and in place and it was time for the party, I was exhausted, frustrated and ready to go to bed. I wasn't even ready as yet since I've been helping with everything else.

"Hey, ma." Chrissy came into the kitchen. "The guests have started to arrive."

"Great." I sighed sarcastically. "Chrissy I'm not even decent enough to be welcoming them."

"You're right. You've got flour in your hair and on your face." Chrissy laughed.

"I look like a wreck." I groaned as I rubbed my hands on the side of my face. "I guess I'm going to have to go out there just as I am."

"I could do it for you while you get ready." Chrissy offered.

"Thanks but I..."

"Hey honey." Sean arrived. "Look who arrived the same time I did?"

"Hola everyone." Aliyah appeared behind Sean. "I'm here."

"Ali!" Chrissy screamed as she ran and hugged her sister.

"Aww Chris, I've missed you so much." Ali smiled as he hugged her sister tightly.

"Ma." Ali turned to me with a smile.

Ma was my new nickname to them. It started when Sean Junior was just trying to say his first words. He wouldn't say mama or mom, just ma, so ever since Alli and Chrissy started calling me that too.

"I didn't know you would make it." I said to her as I hugged her.

"I wouldn't miss my little brother's birthday for the world." Ali responded. "Where is the little rebel by the way."

"He's in the living rooms with the other kids."

"I need to see him." Aliyah smiled. "I have the perfect gift for him."

"I'll come with you." Chrissy said as she followed her sister off.

"No hug for me." Sean fake pouted.

"I had to be here organising everything by myself. I am exhausted and dirty, the guests have already started arriving and you're late."

"I'm sorry baby." Sean said trying to kiss me.

"I'm mad at you Sean."

"Baby, I'm really sorry." Sean apologized again. "What can I do to make it up to you? There must be something that'll make you forgive me."

"Actually, there is." I said to him.

"Alright name it."

"You can stay right here at the door, and invite in and welcome the guests." I said to him.

"What? Baby, I'm not exactly in the best condition to do that. I'm a bit sweaty and stuff. Maybe after I've had a shower and ch...."

"I'm sweaty, smelly and tired but I did all that I had to do today to organise a party that you encouraged. Now I've sweat mixed with flour and God knows what else, in my hair and everywhere. The least you can do is endure thirty minutes of being dirty as you welcome the other parents while I go freshen up."

"Fine." Sean sighed then gave me a smile. "Go ahead."

"Thanks." I peck him on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you more." Sean responded.


The party was in full swing and I could tell that the kids were enjoying themselves. The Spiderman, batman and iron man mascots we've hired, were surely making their day. 

"Ma look." Junior said as he ran up to me with some toys in his hand. "Alli got me this, Aunty Kim got this and uncle Elvis got me this."

"Wow, that's great. They're all so pretty." I smiled at him as I looked at the toys. "You now have a whole lot of toys."

"I know! This is the best birthday ever!" He screamed before running off with his friends again.

"He's having a blast." Sean smiled at me.

"Yeah. I'm glad he's having fun." I responded.

"Everyone seems to be having fun. Even the adults." Sean said to me.

"I never expected that. " I chuckled.

The party went on some more before mom came and gathered us all in front of the couch for a family picture. She set up the camera then came to stand behind us.

"Alright everyone, the camera is going to take the picture in Five seconds. So at the count of 5 everyone says cheese." Mom said before started counting. "1, 2, 3,4,5...."


We all yelled and grinned like a bunch of idiots as the picture was taken. It was moments like this that made me happy, to think that I have my complete family and friends celebrating the birth date of Sean and Is son. I was a very lucky woman and there wasn't anything else that I wouldould wish or ask for.

I want to say thank you to everyone who have been reading and supporting this story so far. It was fun writing it and I'm actually sad to see it end but I had to end it at some point right?

Anyway I am working on something new, it's going to be a surprise so o won't say anything as yet but I will be posting soon. I've already written three chapters so as soon as I get the time to post it, I'll inform you all about it. I love you guys 😘😘

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