Chapter 18

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"Dad!? Are you in...?"

I wasn't the only one in shock this morning that was for sure. A young girl who was obviously in her early teen had came through the door and was literally frozen in her spot with eyes and mouth wide open in shock.
I too was frozen in the spot on the bed where I had sat up once I had heard the knocking. And if this new revelation wasn't enough to completely take me by surprise, the younger girl who looked around five or six years old who ran in after and jumped right on the bed into Sean's arms certainly did it.

"Good morning Daddy!" The little girl smiled as she pulled back from the hug but stayed in his arm.

"Hi pumpkin," Sean smiled at her before ruffling her hair as he seemingly got over his surprise phase "Hey Ali, did your grandma dropped you off? I was going to come get you guys in a couple hours. I didn't know you'd be back over this early. "

"Uhm... No Aunty Sherran dropped us off. She's actually downstairs now. Dad what is going on?" The teen looked at me then to Sean again with a hint of both disbelief and disgust on her face.

I was still caught in what seemed like a trance. I was still in shock and was trying to figure what the hell was going on right now as well. I was clueless to everything right now and my state of shock still lingered.

"Oh, uh... Morgan these are my daughters; Aliyah and Chrisalice--Ali and Chrissy." Sean pointed to the older girl then back to the smaller one in his arm. "Girls, this is Morgan-- my girlfriend"

"Your what!?" Aliyah shrieked looking at me and her Dad horrified.

"Daddy, you have a girlfriend?" Chrissalice giggled clueless to the tension that was in the room.

Aliyah's shriek had snapped me out of the shocked trance and I looked to Sean in disbelief. He never once mentioned he had kids in the over six months we had known each other.

"Hello," Chrissy smiled at me shyly while Aliyah scowled, let out a huff then stormed out of the room in rage.

"Pumpkin, why don't you go on downstairs and tell your aunt I'll be right down shortly." Sean said to Chrissy.

"Okay." the little girl smiled as she jumped off the bed and ran out the door.

I looked at Sean incredulously.

"Morgan, please. Just let me explain." Sean pleaded. " I know you're in shock right now but please don't be mad at me."

"You have children?" I finally managed to ask even though I already know the answer.

"Yeah. " Sean nodded sheepishly. "I am a father."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked looking at him in disbelief. "It's been over six months Sean, you didn't think to tell me this?"

"I didn't want to scare you off," Sean responded sounding remorseful. "Baby please don't be mad at me. I never told you because you're young and I didn't know how you'd react to finding out that I had two kids. I figured that you wouldn't be ready to handle that as yet and I wanted to make sure you were the one and when you decided to gave me the chance to be in your life, I didn't want you to leave me because of it. I'm really sorry about not telling you before but I intended to do so over the holiday. I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to leave me when you found out. Morgan, baby please I..."

"Sean, we've been together for six months and you couldn't trust me enough to even hint this information to me?" I said shaking my head. "That's unbelievable."

"I know. I was wrong and I'm really sorry but I didn't want to lose you once you know that I had kids." Sean said to me in a defeated voice. "After Christine died,  this was one of the reasons I never dated again. Not many women wants to be a step mom. Morgan just because I have kids doesn't change how I feel about you or who I am. You don't have to take on any motherly position or anything, nothing's change... Please, just give me a chance. Don't walk out on me now because of this Morgan please. I don't want to lose you; I cant lose you. And I don't want you to stay mad at me."

"Sean, I'm not mad. I'm just really shock and somewhat disappointed that after all these months you couldn't trust me enough to tell me. You should have told me Sean, I would have understood and I wouldn't judge you or think of you any less. But you've kept such vital and important information from me for so long and now I just dont know..."

"I'm so so sorry about that Morgan. Please don't say what I think you're going to say... please don't break up with me because of this. I'm sorry, I know that I should have told you before but I was worried that you wouldn't want to be with me after you found out I had kids. Please forgive me..."

"Sean, I don't know if I can just overlook this right now. If you can keep something like this from me for months, how do I know that you won't keep more things from me?" I said to him. "How can I just trust you to...."

"Morgan I love you. " Sean announced shocking me even more.

"Y-you what?" I blinked trying to figure whether or not I had heard him correctly.

"I love you Morgan. I really do. The minute you've allowed me a chance to get to know you and be a part of your life, I fell in love with you. You are beautiful, extremely smart and awesome. You're everything I look for in a girlfriend and I don't want to lose you." Sean confessed.

"I'm really sorry about not telling you about Ali and Chrissy before. I am totally in love with you and even if you don't feel the same way about me yet, I'm willing to wait on you. You are the perfect woman for me Morgan, please could you forgive me and allow me another chance to make it up to you?"

I was literally speechless right now. I've just learnt that Sean not only had hildren but is in love with me. What and how do I say or react to that?

"Sean I dont know..."

"Morgan, please. Just give me another chance, I promise I'll make it up to you and I'll never keep anything like this from you again...Baby please." Sean begged as he took both my hands in his.

He looked so vulnerable right now like he was just seconds from actually crying. And the fact that he just confessed his love for me and I felt strongly towards him as well, I decided to give him another chance.

"Okay, I'll give you another chance..."

"Yes! Thank you." Sean happily pulled me into a tight embrace before letting out a relief sigh the kissing me. "Baby, I promise that I won't ever keep anything again from you. You won't regret giving me another chance... I have to run downstairs and talk to Sherran- Christine's sister- for a second. I'll be back soon and then officially introduce you to the girls."


Sammi Hanratty

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Sammi Hanratty


Jojo kushner

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Jojo kushner

Okay so there you go, Sean has two daughters. Morgan isn't going to run out of the relationship just yet because he messed up and didn't tell her but do you think she's ready to play step mama? What do you guys think?

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