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Harry Pov

I was sitting on my bed at the Dursleys and I notice that a few owls where coming at me. Once, they got to my window I let them in, and take each letter off of each owl.

I notice ones from Ron.

Dear Harry,
Me, Hermione, and Ginny are really sorry so can you please forgive us?

I laugh at this and I will NEVER except his friendship again. So I write back saying

I will not forgive you for what you have done and please don't talk to me or owl me at all cause now that I know what's happening I don't want a blood traitor, mudblood, and slut as my friends

I give it to red owl thats like Ron's and I continue to read the rest but, when I get one from Draco and Gringohtts I was honestly shocked. I open the one from Draco first.

Hey Harry,
How's your summer so far? I hope that those good for nothing muggles leave you alone and haven't beaten you to death. And if you don't mind you are always welcome to the manor.
Love you, Draco

I blush at the last sentence. I write back to my wonderful dragon.
Mine fucking sucks! Do you think that you could come and pick me up tomorrow at 2 pm? Thanks for that. Love you, Harry
I tie the letter to Dracos owl and then read the Gringohtts one.
Dear Mr. Potter,
It seems that you have gone through a late inheritance so please come to Gringohtts as soon as possible
Manger Rangook

I was shocked I didn't even feel the pain that was supposed to be there. Unless, Dumbles put blocks on me. I pack all my things for tomorrow.

Draco Pov

I was waiting for my owl Raven to come back with Harry's letter. And by the time I was gonna give up there she was. I reach forward and read the letter and growl from what was written and I quickly wrote a letter back to Harry and gave it to Raven.

What happened with those ugly no good for nothing cockroaches? ( see the pun?) I will be over there in a few minutes instead of tomorrow is that ok?
Love you Scarhead, Draco

Harry Pov

I got a response from Dragon very quick and of course,I had to agree I wanted to be away from here as much as possible. I write back.

That would be perfect just be careful when you do come because, they need their beauty sleep
Love you Dragon, Harry

I tie the letter to the owls leg and wait.

Draco Pov

I saw my owl come  back very quickly and I go downstairs to my mother and father.
"Mother, Father?" " yes Draco? " I hear my dad say "Can we go pick up Harry?" " why dragon? " "his relatives took it to far this time" they look at me with horror in there eyes.

"Of course Dragon but, do you think that we could go tomorrow morning since its getting late and we need our rest to aperate?" I think and it does make sense . "Yes mom I will go tell Harry what's going to happen night."

I go back to my room and write to my beloved scarhead.

Sorry that we couldn't come today but, we will be there tomorrow morning to come and get you
Love you, Draco

I give it to my owl and she's off.

Harry Pov

I saw Draco's owl come back and I read it and I am really happy that at least someone loves me for me and not for my fame. I give the owl a small piece of paper that says I love you and say "please give this to your master please"

I then put all of the letters from today into my special box and slide it back under my bed. And all I think about before I sleep is me and Draco cuddling in the R.O.R (room of requirements)

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